Created attachment 52228 [details] Messenger Mockup.odt is a church newsletter in which articles are accumulated and later pasted into a final version. Problem description: Writer crashes repeatedly while editing the specific document attached. There are two unique features around this document. A) It is the first large document I've done with v3.4; all prior large documents were done in 3.3. B) I use lots of "Sections" to control formatting; that attached has 29 Sections and will have more before completion. Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached document "Messenger Mockup.odt" 2. Go to the article "Holy Comforter remains consistent" and start adding text. It will likely crash within a few sentences. Current behavior: Frequent crashes while editing Expected behavior: No crashes. V 3.3 exhibited no such behavior. This is the first large document done in v 3.4. Platform (if different than the browser): Windows XP SP3 Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110920 Firefox/3.6.23
Created attachment 52241 [details] "Advanced" version of file that will crash on, or shortly after, loading
Reverted to v3.3. It behaves correctly in v3.3. Seems specific to v3.4
NOT reproducible with reporter's sample documents and "LibreOffice 3.4.3 - WIN7 Home Premium (64bit) German UI [OOO340m1 (Build:302)]". I tried some editing in both documents, no crash Modified OS due to report - Reported with Bug Submission Assistant -
Since not reproducible on tester's system, is there an LO log that records crashes? Searched for but did not see one on local drive. If there is a log, I can review and/or send that. If there is no log, is there any code or other technique available to catch key parameters in the crash. I'm reasonably agile if somewhat out of date with software.
Created attachment 54330 [details] Final paper for a musicology class which causes crash when opened. I'm experiencing the same sort of problem: LibreOffice crashes whenever I open this file, a final paper for a musicology class which uses images in frames with captions. I suspect it might have something to do with the larger image (the "Wet Hands" Minecraft score). Using LibreOffice 3.4.4 on Xubuntu 11.10.
[Reproducible] with "Messenger Mockup crash on open.odt" and "LibreOffice 3.4.4 - WIN7 Home Premium (64bit) German UI [Build ID: OOO340m1 (Build:402)]". I really have to type (8 lines or similar), then the document crashes. Copy / paste a paragraph several times did not crash. An other way to reproduce: 1. open document 2. Go to section "Holy Comforter remains consistent" on page 1 3. Mark at end of first paragraph " everyone" including leading space 4. <cntrol+c> for copy 5. click behind full stop 6. <control+v> for paste 25x (I only tested one time), then document will crash Works fine with 3.3.3, so regression! No longer crashes with Server Installation of "LibreOffice 3.5.0 - WIN7 Home Premium (64bit) English UI [Build ID: 35c8573-95bcc5e-4c1bcb] Win-x86@6-fast pull time 2011-12-09 12:44:50". So marking WFM without further tests what might cause the crashes. @Ian: Do you see any common characteristics except the crash for your document and reporter's? Sample document 2011-12-11 15:42 PST, Ian crahses 3.4.4 when opening without any edit what is different! Also no longer crashes with 3.5.
Removing comma from Whiteboard (please use a space to delimit values in this field) [NinjaEdit]