This is a regression from an earlier bug that was fixed in the Masters. As of the following Master 2011-10-19_18.25.04 the three default dictionaries do not install. I have 64-bit oneiric with all updates.
Whoops. Forgot something. libobasis-dev3.5-core03_3.5.0-1_amd64.deb did not install either.
what do you mean by "don't install" do you get an error message ?
Closing due to reporter's inactivity. @reporter: Please feel free to reopen this bug if you find out that the problem still exists with LibreOffice version 3.5 and if you can contribute requested additional information due to <> (especially BugReport Details)! Before you do so please read hints on <> carefully Then - Write a meaningful Summary describing exactly what the problem is. Do you not see dictionaries in the LibO dialogs, do you not find the files on the HDD? ...? - Attach a sample document (not only screenshot) with what you tested - Attach screenshots with comments if you believe that that might explain the problem better than a text comment. Best way is to insert your screenshots into a DRAW document and to add comments that explain what you want to show - Contribute a step by step instruction containing every key press and every mouse click how to reproduce your problem (and if possible how to created a sample document from the scratch) - add information -- what EXACTLY is unexpected -- and WHY do you believe it's unexpected (cite Help or Documentation!) -- concerning your PC -- concerning your OS (Version, Distribution, Language) -- concerning your LibO localization (UI language, Locale setting) –- Libo settings that might be related to your problems -- how you launch LibO and how you opened the sample document –- If you can contribute an OOo Issue that might be useful -- everything else crossing your mind after you read linked texts
This was fixed the week after I reported it. Thanks.