Bug 44991 - FILEOPEN: [docx] Open MS_Word document ends in LO3.4 has stopped working
Summary: FILEOPEN: [docx] Open MS_Word document ends in LO3.4 has stopped working
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
3.4.5 release
Hardware: Other All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Whiteboard: bibisected35 bibisected35older
Keywords: regression
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-01-20 06:31 UTC by Marc Defossez
Modified: 2012-05-19 02:31 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

Test document (please delete it afterwards) (422.58 KB, application/vnd.ms-word.document.12)
2012-01-20 06:31 UTC, Marc Defossez

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Marc Defossez 2012-01-20 06:31:22 UTC
Created attachment 55830 [details]
Test document (please delete it afterwards)

Problem description: 
LO can not open existing MS-Word (version 2007 - .docx) documents.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Make sure LO is set a default tool for opening Word docs.
2. Locate a MS-Word document (2007 version) ==> .docx
3. Double click the file and watch.

Current behavior:
LO is set as preffered tool for opening Word documents.
Double click a received MS-Word document in an email.
LO splash scree is showed.
Directly after that a pop up window "LibreOffice 3.4 has stopped working"
Only thing that can  be doen is close program.

Idem happens when double clicking a MS-Word (.docx)document stored on disk.
- Splash screen
- Pop up with "LibreOffice 3.4 has stopped working"
- LO closes
- Some file is left on the disk: .~lock.Xapp523.docx#

Newly created Word documents are opened without problems!
Older .doc formats are also opened without issues.

Expected behavior:
.docx file should be opened by writer.

Platform (if different from the browser): 
              Windows-7 64-bit

Browser: Firefox/9.0.1
Comment 1 s-joyemusequna 2012-01-20 10:02:01 UTC
Confirmed. File cannot be opened with LibO 3.4.4 nor with LibO 3.5 Beta3. (Plattform: Windows Vista 64)
Comment 2 s-joyemusequna 2012-02-11 07:28:00 UTC
Works fine with LibO 3.3.4.

This is a regression compared to LibO 3.4.5 and 3.5
Comment 3 Caolán McNamara 2012-05-06 13:01:39 UTC
anyone able to reproduce this bug under Linux ? Works beautifully for me with 3-5
Comment 4 Jean-Baptiste Faure 2012-05-07 00:17:09 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> anyone able to reproduce this bug under Linux ? Works beautifully for me with
> 3-5

Not me :-)
No crash with LO 3.4.5 (Ubuntu version, opened by double-click in the file manager), LO 3.4.6, LO and current master (Build ID: e35b1d8), opened from LO File menu or by dragging it from file manager into the startcenter.

Ubuntu 11.10 x86_64 gnome-shell.

Best regards. JBF
Comment 5 s-joyemusequna 2012-05-07 03:27:50 UTC
Retested with LibO 3.5.3 on Windows XP. It works for me.
Comment 6 Caolán McNamara 2012-05-08 01:24:55 UTC
ok, given comment #4 and #5 assuming fixed in 3.5.3. Feel free to reopen if evidence suggests otherwise
Comment 7 s-joyemusequna 2012-05-19 02:31:44 UTC
Verified with LOdev 3.6 (master - 18-May-2012 02h44 x86@6-fast; Build ID: 8b1d29b) under Windows Vista 64.