Problem description: File - PrintPreview (or Print Preview button) shows briefly a preview, but after 1 sec. LO crashes and closes. Steps to reproduce: 1. Open LO (any component) 2. Show print preview 3. Crash and close Current behavior: Crash Expected behavior: Showing print preview whithout crash or other problems Operating System: Ubuntu Version: rc Last worked in: 3.4.4 release
Hi Naucher, thanks for reporting. I can not reproduce. LibreOffice LibreOffice 4.0.0.b2+ Can you update to 3.6.4.
Nacher: once you'll have a newer version as mariosv suggested, if you still reproduce the problem, could you tell if it happens with a brand new file or just specific file?
(In reply to comment #1) > Hi Naucher, thanks for reporting. > Can you update to 3.6.4. > I'm in doubt how to do this (manual) update, You require!: As I go to and perform the download, I also go to where I at first try to follow the instructions of de-installing the version that's installed at present. The instructions for de-installing says: “In this list, there will be one package named simply “libreoffice3”. Right-click on that package name and, in the context-sensitive menu that opens, choose “Mark for Complete Removal”.” Sad to say there is no “libreoffice3” on my system according to Synaptic – so I can't de-install that. Why? What to do?
Naucher: don't bother about the "3", uninstall every LibreOffice installed packages from Ubuntu. Then, - either use ppa LibreOffice to have a repository which contains more recent LO version - or install deb from Libreoffice website
(In reply to comment #4) > - or install deb from Libreoffice website I did ... completely removed all LibreOffice packages from/via Synaptic and then installed from downloaded files (incl. language package) I'm now on Version (Build ID: 2ef5aff) – and it works fine. Thanks a lot for pushing me to the appropriate upgrading ;-)
Naucher: thank you for your feedback. Since there's no specific fix, I'll just put WFM.