Problem description: Steps to reproduce: 1. Open Writer 2. Go to Tools->Options->Personalization->Own Persona 2. (dialog appears with button to visit firefox personas) 3. click "visit firefox personas" button. 4. Firefox opens, but the getpersonas URL now redirects to firefox themes 5. Select any theme (one of my favorites is "Random Grey Circles" but any will do, I tried several) 6. From the Address box in Firefox, copy the address (or right mouse click on the "add to firfox" button and select "copy link address from pop up menu) 7. paste into LibreOffice dialog in "persona address" box 8. click "ok" button on dialog Current behavior: Dialog blinks and nothing else happens. the only way to dismiss the dialog is to hit "cancel" which means that the theme doesn't get applied. Click "OK" on main settings window returns to main application window and theme has not been applied. Expected behavior: theme should be imported, and dialog should disappear. clicking "OK" on main settings screen returns to main application window, and the theme is now applied to the toolbar. Operating System: Linux (Other) Version: release Last worked in: release
kendy - know about this already?
This problem is present with release candidate but has since been fixed. Please wait for 4.0.3.x release and then test again, if you still notice the issue, report back here - but it should indeed be fixed. If it's not please reopen the bug as NEW (as I can confirm the issue for the current rc of, no reason to have QA triage again) Marking as WFM as it's definitely been fixed for 4.1 master build and should be solved with next release. Kendy - if I'm wrong about this can you correct me :)