Created attachment 84248 [details] Screenshot of dialog with controls outside the display area In some of the option dialogs the controls run off the bottom of the display area of the dialog (see attached screenshot for example). It is not clear if this is specific to the german version or whether this is a general problem. The dialog area should either automatically resize, show scrollbars or be resizable. Best approach to my opinion would be a scrollbar. This way the size of the dialog box could be mathced to the display size, because on netbooks the dialog may exceed the display height an controls are not visible. Should be checked generally. Operating System: Ubuntu Version: release Last worked in: release
looks fine in using Win7 64bit
Ok, but it should work on any platform.
(In reply to comment #1) > looks fine in using Win7 64bit to be more precise, it looks fine using the italian version (all the items are correctly translated in italian) while I don't know how things work in the german Windows version (In reply to comment #2) > Ok, but it should work on any platform. sure. is should.
@Ullrich 4.1.1 is out. have you tried it? is the bug still there?
I have installed on my Ubuntu box but the same error occurs. Still the same. I have just looked at the same dialog that I provided as a screenshot and it looks just the same. Sizing the dialogs on Linux seems to be a general problem because the properties dialog gets resized to the total screen width when entering a comment longer than the screenwidth (see id 68600).
sorry to hear that. another Linux tester is needed since I have only Windows and it works there.
What do you need to know. If you can give me some hints I ight be able to provide more details. BTW you should probably consider to have at least a Linux on a USB Stick for testing or have some virtualized environment for development and test.
(In reply to comment #7) > What do you need to know. If you can give me some hints I ight be able to > provide more details. nothing. your report seems already complete and easy to replicate. > BTW you should probably consider to have at least a > Linux on a USB Stick for testing or have some virtualized environment for > development and test. it would be nice but I have no plans to adapt Linux in the short period. i'm just a Windows QA volunteer. i hope other Linux users could provide additional help.
I do not reproduce the problem with LO nor the master on my Ubuntu 13.04 x86-64 with Unity. I see two possibilities to explain the problem: 1/ the default font: I use Ubuntu Light font with size 12 2/ the text scale in Unity or Gnome-shell: do you use 1 or something else? Best regards. JBF
I saw something similar yesterday when I installed Ubuntu but it only happened once and it wasn't with general options it was with paste special dialog. I suspect it's Ubuntu specific as I had never seen it until installing Ubuntu
Created attachment 87745 [details] Small amount of clipping in Options dialog
Created attachment 87746 [details] Checkbox clipping in LO Testing on Ubuntu 12.04.3 In LO I'm seeing a *small* amount of clipping of the bottom of the text in *one* of the screens in the Options dialog (See "Small amount of clipping.." attachment) In LO I'm seeing some different clipping, mostly on the right-hand side of some checkboxes and radio buttons, but elsewhere as well. Question: Do these dialogs properly resize if the system font is set to something HUGE?
Created attachment 93036 [details] Dialogs dont show the whole content - Debian/Gnome In the German user-mailinglist a user reported he couldn't find a possibility to connect to external databases. The part of the dialog isn't shown is his user interface. The he recognized the same behavior with Options → LibreOffice → View. The behavior is different when you scale there to 80% or 130%. The system of the user: Linux fangorn 3.12-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.12.6-1 (2013-12-21) x86_64 GNU/Linux, GNOME Shell 3.8.4, LibreOffice 410m0(Build:2) I don't see the full problem with my system, but have recognized, that some parts of a dialog will be hidden, when I change from KDE to xfce. My system: OpenSUSE 12.3 64bit rpm, LO (and many other versions for testing). Dialogs have to be resizable, if we couldn't set the to the right size for every window-system.
Several changes have been done on these dialogs for version 4.2. Please could you try it and check if you still reproduce the problem ? Note: Options dialog can't be made resizable until each panel has been converted in the new .ui format. Best regards. JBF
Created attachment 93171 [details] Dialog of Database-Wizard 100% with xfce
Comment on attachment 93171 [details] Dialog of Database-Wizard 100% with xfce Here the Dialog for creating databases in LO - Same behavior could I see for other dialogs, when I change the view to 95%, as shown in the next attachment.
Created attachment 93172 [details] With 95% the third option of the dialog couldn't be chosen any more. When I set the view down to 95% the third option of the dialog would disappear (and won't appear with values under 95%). Only with over 110% I could see the third option in the right way. For view under 100% this behavior appears in some more dialogs, especially the dialog where you could set the view.
Created attachment 94208 [details] Options -> LibreOffice -> Print I can confirm the bug in LO, tested on Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS, Czech version. See attachments (with English user interface).
Created attachment 94209 [details] Options -> LibreOffice Calc -> General
Created attachment 94210 [details] Options -> LibreOffice Base -> Connections
Created attachment 94211 [details] Options -> LibreOffice Impress -> General
Affects more dialogs, don't want to spam Bugzilla with attachments.
(In reply to comment #22) > Affects more dialogs, don't want to spam Bugzilla with attachments. Please don't change the Version of LO, if it is an earlier version than yours. There has to be chosen the first version the bug appears for looking what has happened to get the bug. The bug has been reported for
Summary Comment 1 and Comment 3: the problem doesn't appear in using Win7 64bit Italian version Comment 5: Original poster updated to on their Ubuntu box and encountered the same error Comment 9: user could not reproduce the problem with nor the master on their Ubuntu 13.04 x86-64 with Unity and suggests possible explanations are "the default font…" and "the text scale in Unity or Gnome-shell…" Comment 11: contains an attachment which is a screen shot of "a *small* amount of clipping of the bottom of the text in *one* of the screens in the Options dialog Comment 12: contains an attachment which is a screen shot showing more clipping Comment 13: German user running Linux fangorn 3.12-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.12.6-1 (2013-12-21) x86_64 GNU/Linux, GNOME Shell 3.8.4, LibreOffice 410m0(Build:2) reported that the part of the dialog to connect to external databases isn't shown in his user interface. Another user running OpenSUSE 12.3 64bit rpm, LibreOffice notes that "some parts of a dialog will be hidden" when changing from KDE to xfce Comment 16 and Comment 17: confirm that there are still problems in and provides attachments and notes that only with view at 110% could the user see the third option of the dialog Comment 18 - Comment 22: confirm the bug in on Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS Czech version with four attachments that show some--but not all of--the affected dialogs.
I am starting to work on this bug.
Now that all the dialogs have been converted to the .ui format, this bug is not reproducible anymore in master (4.4), where the Options dialog changed its size to contain all the options. This cannot be traced to a single commit, since it’s a change affecting many files and was done progressively.
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