Problem description: When I want to save an open file as a PDF, the extension .odt is not exchanged against .pdf. If I save the file, I get asked if I want to overwrite the existing .odt file. If I click "yes", the .odt is deleted and is replaced by a PDF file with the extension .odt. If I don't want to loose my old file, I have to manually change the .odt to .pdf. If I just delete the .odt, I get a file w/o extension... Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a .odt file 2. Try to export it to PDF Current behavior: The file extension is not changed to .pdf. Expected behavior: The file extension is changed to .pdf. Operating System: Windows XP Version: release Last worked in: release
It works fine in my under Win7 64bit. which Windows version do you use? have you tried resetting your user profile (backup it first)? follow instructions here: and let us know.
My mistake - I upgraded from 3.6 to 4.1 and "forgot" to set "automatic file extension" to "on"...