I have a master document containing many files that have many tables. As of version it will freeze whenever I try to do an update on the page formatting. I've even left it sit over-night to see if it would continue but it just freezes. Version is the last version that will complete the process. also freezes and will not complete. I don't have a file right now I can attach but is there anything I can do with valgrind, etc. that will help troubleshoot the problem? If so, please let me know the exact command that needs to be run.
I should mention also that my testing has been done mainly in Linux. The Windows version also has the problem but I have not gone through each revision to confirm if they behaved exactly the same.
I probably should also mention that all the sub-documents are .odt files. There are no graphics or frames. Just a lot of text and tables. Any formatting that is not default character, paragraph or page formatting is changed through the use of styles, of which there are quite a few paragraph and character styles used.
If you can't provide a test file, the only thing I can suggest is to build LibreOffice yourself and run it under gdb. All infos to build LibreOffice under Linux are available on the wiki: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/How_to_build Best regards. JBF
Yes without the test file nothing we can do. Marking as NEEDINFO - for instructions on how to debug: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/How_to_debug If you're able to attach a log then mark as UNCONFIRMED and we'll go from there. Is this a different behavior from earlier versions?
Yes, something seems to have changed between and None of the later versions, including will work. I'll see if I can get a test document put together. I wanted to try a debug version of LO with valgrind but I have been unable to get the git source to compile properly.
I've been compiling the dev version of LibreOffice 4.3 alpha. Within the last week or so something was changed that seems to have solved this issue. My current compile is build ID: f571104ef38ba9f7f6073e22c2374add7aa73887 from sources I got on 1/27. The last time I tried it I think was about a week or so ago and it was still freezing.