Bug 75717 - REGRESSION: FILESAVE: weird file corruptions in roundtrip
Summary: REGRESSION: FILESAVE: weird file corruptions in roundtrip
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Linux (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2014-03-03 14:58 UTC by Callegar
Modified: 2014-03-08 19:14 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Callegar 2014-03-03 14:58:23 UTC
Problem description:

Starting with 4.2.2 RC1 I am experiencing weird file corruptions on roundtrip

Load -> Save -> Load

This is happening to me with impress, but it may possibly affect other components to.

Unfortunately, the corruptions appear to be not easily repeatable.

So far I have experienced:

- Disappearing pictures
 (instead of figure, i see a text label like picture + number)

- Disappearing EOL markers in object attributes
 (I see this using the texmaths extension, that creates group objects with attributes. One of the attributes is the so called 'latex preamble'. In roundtrip it happened once that I got this document with all the carriage return stripped out, so that it was no more valid.

Sorry for not having a reproducible test case. I wanted to warn early, though.
Comment 1 Callegar 2014-03-03 14:59:12 UTC
Last working version 4.1.5
Comment 2 Joel Madero 2014-03-07 05:06:27 UTC
Unfortunately without reproducible steps we can't do much. We'll need a test document with a picture or something that when we save we see the lost image. Marking as INVALID.

I am going to send a note to the dev list so they are generally aware just the bug report doesn't offer us much to work with.

Thanks for the heads up though
Comment 3 tommy27 2014-03-07 06:34:48 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> ....
> Sorry for not having a reproducible test case. I wanted to warn early,
> though.

thanks Sergio, we will turn on our "radars"  :-)
Comment 4 bfoman (inactive) 2014-03-07 17:36:33 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> Unfortunately without reproducible steps we can't do much. We'll need a test
> document with a picture or something that when we save we see the lost
> image. Marking as INVALID.

Why did you close this as INVALID without asking for attaching documents or trying to reproduce first? 
Back to UNCONFIRMED as this bug is not triaged properly. Posting about INVALID bugs on mailinglist to "keep them on radar" is not reasonable.
Comment 5 Joel Madero 2014-03-07 17:38:23 UTC
The NEEDINFO is fine - Sergio has posted quite a few bugs and knows the right way to do it. He explicitly said it was to keep it on our radar (which is better done through ML IMHO than with a NEEDINFO bug that the reporter has admitted is not very useful). But NEEDINFO is fine - still now there are people on the ML testing presentation a bit more because of this bug report (and my taking it to the list) so thanks Sergio for bringing awareness.
Comment 6 bfoman (inactive) 2014-03-07 17:43:37 UTC
Could you please write some more details how all this started answering some questions:
- what roundtrip you are writing about? (fileformats involved)
- Linux version and platform
- is it a clean install?
- did you try on new profile?
- which extensions are you using? (please add notes about their versions)

(In reply to comment #0)
> - Disappearing EOL markers in object attributes
>  (I see this using the texmaths extension, that creates group objects with
> attributes. One of the attributes is the so called 'latex preamble'. In
> roundtrip it happened once that I got this document with all the carriage
> return stripped out, so that it was no more valid.

Could you attach also an example document, one where file corruption is observed most often?
Comment 7 bfoman (inactive) 2014-03-07 17:49:18 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> (which
> is better done through ML IMHO than with a NEEDINFO bug that the reporter
> has admitted is not very useful).

If this bug is not reproducible, it would be closed as WORKSFORME sooner or later (not days). If more people will report the same issues - it would get confirmed by duplicates. 
I wouldn't complain if original reporter closed this as INVALID. End of noise and bugspam.
Comment 8 Callegar 2014-03-07 17:55:45 UTC
Feel free to close as invalid and I'll reopen if I run into this again in a way in which I can either make it reproducible or at least provide an attachment with the corrupted document. Looks like I cannot select invalid in status by myself.
Comment 9 bfoman (inactive) 2014-03-07 18:00:02 UTC
Would be better to have more detailed bug reports from you in the future - please see https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/BugReport for hints. 
Also if you kindly answer my questions that would also help people seeing this on ML and want to try to reproduce...
Comment 10 Callegar 2014-03-07 18:55:07 UTC
- what roundtrip you are writing about? (fileformats involved)

With a relatively large impress presentation (odp). about 2MB, 200 slides. Unfortunately, I cannot share it. Was initially prepared with LibO 4.1.4 (then 4.1.5). Finally, I started working on it with 4.2.2 RC 1. In this latter phase I had some images disappearing (getting substituted by text, like "Picture 26" or something like that).

- Linux version and platform

Kubuntu linux 13.10 64 bit with LibO as shipped by libreoffice.org (not the ubuntu ppa build).

- is it a clean install?

4.1 was a clean install. 4.2.2 was installed in parallel to it.

- did you try on new profile?

Could not...  When I had the issue I was in a hurry. I immediately got back to the past version of the doc (that I had on a git repo). Later on I retried editing the doc with LibO 4.2 but I could not reproduce the issue

- which extensions are you using?

Languagetool and TexMaths
Comment 11 Callegar 2014-03-08 17:58:27 UTC
I have tried to look into this thing a bit better.

Looks like there are two completely different issues. I have managed reproducing one of them (the linebreak thing), but not the other (lost picture).

The issue that I have managed to reproduce is actually not a regression nor a roundtrip issue - sorry for the confusion.

The full bug report for it is 75914

Please close this bug as invalid, since it is mixing things.
Comment 12 Joel Madero 2014-03-08 19:14:40 UTC
@Sergio - thanks so much for the update and for your efforts to help us find bugs quickly :) Closing as INVALID as requested