Hello, version 4.2 has the cool new feature of group policy object support (GPO) for Windows systems in an active directory (AD) which is described here https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/4.2#Options_.2F_General To use this feature you need to know all the registry keys and for this the software should bring an admx (new) or adm (classic). file http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administrative_Template I'm not able to find such a admx or adm file.:( Just some other requests for it: http://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/29668/setting-up-libreoffice-42s-new-group-policy-management/ http://www.heise.de/newsticker/foren/S-Re-Wo-gibts-die-ADM-X-Dateien/forum-273968/msg-24722099/read/showthread-1/ On page 8+9 of this presentation (found by startpage.com) you see there is a adm file in use but no contact: http://libreoffice.hu/files/2014/02/Andras_Timar_LibO_Central_Config_Management.pdf https://fosdem.org/2014/schedule/event/central_configuration_management_of_large_libreoffice_deployments/ Can the ADMX or ADM file be made public to make this libreoffice GPO feature available and/or added to the wiki? Thanks alot. Regards Noël
Hello, I think this is a make or break issue for deploying libreoffice in windows based enterprises. Please release this adm(x) template to the public, as you already seem to have it (as seen on the slides)
I hope I assigned the bug to the right person.:)
Seems there is a public project on GitHub: https://github.com/somedowntime/libreofficegrouppolicy
See https://libreoffice-from-collabora.com/new-group-policy-template/