LibreOffice on Windows 7. Perhaps others. In Impress the dialog Format -> Area -> Bitmaps -> Properties the "Foreground color" sets the background color and the "Background color" the foreground color.
Please read Armins comment about foreground and background in
(In reply to comment #1) > Please read Armins comment about foreground and background in > Well, as a user I would prefer that the bitmap field opens showing the background color and when clicking in the bitmap area the foreground color is used. Just like other drawing programs. Perhaps exchanging the text "Foreground color" and "Background color" above the drop down lists is a simple solution?
If I understand the Armin's explanation correctly, the bug description is incorrect. What may be confusing is that the default colour of the pattern is the foreground colour, not the background colour. So closing as NotABug. Best regards. JBF