If one embeds an large (>48k) image in an HTML document as follows: $ libreoffice Create New Writer Document Insert image from file. Save as something.html Use HTML Document(Writer) Format Quit LibreOffice $ libreoffice something.html The image appears much smaller than the original and in the wrong aspect ratio and a big pile of base64 text appears after it in the Writer main window. Further investigation suggests the base64 text starts appearing at 64484 bytes into the base64-encoding of the image. (S)
Please upload a 48 meg file to somewhere (maybe google drive?). I just dug through my images and the largest file I have is 28 megs and that was a professional photograph taken at very high resolution so - we'll need an image from somewhere ;) Marking as NEEDINFO. Once you get us an image, mark the bug as UNCONFIRMED and I'll check it out. Thanks!
> Please upload a 48 meg file to somewhere (maybe google drive?). I just dug > through my images and the largest file I have is 28 megs and that was a > professional photograph taken at very high resolution so - we'll need an > image from somewhere ;) Marking as NEEDINFO. Once you get us an image, mark > the bug as UNCONFIRMED and I'll check it out. Thanks! It's only 48_k_ or greater that's needed to trigger the bug. http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/osd1000/fdoscreen.png is a nice simple image which I've just used to reproduce the problem.
Confirmed in Linux Mint in 4.2.4. This doesnt happen in 4.1 as images are not saved in base64 embeded into the file and this doesnt happen in 4.3.
Created attachment 100030 [details] the html file created with 4.2
Created attachment 100031 [details] how it looks when you open the html file in 4.2.4
Looks like this has been fixed in the mean time - 4.3 beta1 opens fine. marking as WFM You should see it resolved in 4.2.5 but worst case it's definitely resolved in 4.3 which will be releasing in not too long :-D
Migrating Whiteboard tags to Keywords: (bibisectrequest) [NinjaEdit]