LO displayed on first use of the template manager (for 1-2 seconds) a info that it's initializing the templates. LO 4.3.beta1 is missing that behavior, so it's displaying no template until the user hits "refresh" in the action menu.
Could you give a step by step and screenshoot of this behavior in LO 4.14 and in 4.3.0 Thanks
for both: # install libreoffice # start libreoffice # open templates expected result: overview of available templates result on short delay, on screen info, then the templates are available result on 4.3 beta1: template manager opens, no templates available. after a click on refresh the templates are there. as i tried to create the screenshots (and therefore deleted the user-dir) the 4.3 beta 1 showed the same behavior as
Dominik, you mean that with a clean profile you do not reproduce the issue any more? I could not reproduce on Ubuntu 14.04. Thanks - Sophie
Hi Sophie, exactly. So i think the problem is when there is a previous installed version (i'm sure that i had some of LODev 4.{0,1,2}, but no idea which). At least 4.1 had the new template manager. Could it be that the format of the template cache changed? So that LO finds a cache (and doesn't start the initialization), but as it has a different syntax, it can't be used?
RE: comment 4: let's set to WFM.