Bug 87646 - Image Borders in docx Documents Cannot be Deleted
Summary: Image Borders in docx Documents Cannot be Deleted
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: Other macOS (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Keywords: bibisectRequest, regression
Depends on:
Reported: 2014-12-23 19:10 UTC by Michael Jonas
Modified: 2015-12-17 08:42 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

Write Document File - Borders Issues (35.20 KB, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
2014-12-24 15:26 UTC, Michael Jonas
DOCX file with images that have borders. (96.22 KB, image/jpeg)
2014-12-25 19:00 UTC, Michael Jonas

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Description Michael Jonas 2014-12-23 19:10:47 UTC
When I created a border for a page, Writer (on its own) also created a border on the images on that page (jpgs).  When I removed the borders on the images, and saved the documents, the image borders returned when I later opened the document.

I could not create a document page with a border, without the border also appearing on any images on that page.
Comment 1 Julien Nabet 2014-12-23 22:15:04 UTC
Could you give a try to last stable LO version 4.3.5?
Comment 2 Michael Jonas 2014-12-23 23:13:36 UTC
I installed 4.3.5 and removed the borders on the images in the documents (leaving just the border on the page).  I saved the document, and then opened it again, and the borders were back on the images.

Then I tried creating a completely new document, and got the same results.
Comment 3 Julien Nabet 2014-12-24 11:06:30 UTC
On pc Debian x86-64 with LO Debian package 4.3.3, here what I did:
- created a brand new odt file with 1 page containing 3 parags + 1 jpg file
- added borders on the page
- added borders on the image
- saved and closed the file

Then I reopened the file, removed the borders of the image, saved and reopened, it was ok.

Then I put back the borders on image with 4.3.3, reopened with 4.3 sources updated yesterday (future 4.3.6), removed the borders, saved, reopened, it was still ok.

Would it be possible you attach the file (by using this link https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?bugid=87646&action=enter) so we can give it a try? (have in mind that any attachment is automatically made public, so remove any confidential/private part).
Comment 4 Michael Jonas 2014-12-24 15:26:31 UTC
Created attachment 111291 [details]
Write Document File - Borders Issues

I've attached the file...Please confirm that it's been received.
Comment 5 Michael Jonas 2014-12-25 15:58:59 UTC
The problem with borders and images does not occur if I save the documents in ODT format, only with DOCX.  But since DOCX is so widely used, I'd prefer to use that format.
Comment 6 Julien Nabet 2014-12-25 16:25:58 UTC
I opened your docx file with LO Debian package 4.3.3 and didn't see any borders on the image, just on the page. Did I miss something?
Comment 7 Michael Jonas 2014-12-25 19:00:23 UTC
Created attachment 111334 [details]
DOCX file with images that have borders.

I'm not sure what the "LO Debian package 4.3.3" is, but I've attached a JPG of the DOCS file.  When I click on each image, I then click on Picture and then on the User Defined (no border), and the border disappears.  Then I save the documents.  When I open it again, the borders have returned.

The attached image is the file when it's opened the second time.

I'm using LO

Much thanx,

Comment 8 Michael Jonas 2014-12-25 19:19:33 UTC
I just deleted LO and installed, and the image borders did NOT appear in the DOCX document.

So this issue occurs only with

I'll use the older version until the next release is offered.

Much thanx,

Comment 9 Michael Jonas 2014-12-28 16:51:14 UTC
 Is LO Debian package 4.3.3 a "still" version?  I couldn't find it at the LO website.

Much thanx.
Comment 10 Julien Nabet 2014-12-28 16:57:29 UTC
Just to explain:
Debian is a Linux distribution which includes:
- Debian stable (for servers mainly)
- Debian testing
- Debian sid
- Debian experimental
I use Debian testing and the repository of it contains LO 4.3.3
Comment 11 Julien Nabet 2014-12-28 16:58:48 UTC
I put it back to UNCONFIRMED since I don't have more questions.
Comment 12 Michael Jonas 2014-12-29 20:16:23 UTC
(In reply to Julien Nabet from comment #11)
> I put it back to UNCONFIRMED since I don't have more questions.

Thank you very much...I appreciate how responsive Bugzilla has been.
Comment 13 Robinson Tryon (qubit) 2014-12-30 05:10:30 UTC
TESTING with Ubuntu 14.04 + LO

(In reply to Michael Jonas from comment #4)
> Created attachment 111291 [details]

When I open the file in, I don't see any rectangles around the images.
When I open the file in, I *do see* rectangles around the images.

Assuming that the 4.4 build is showing the correct behavior, I CONFIRM this bug, but because it's fixed in a newer version:

You mentioned that the rectangles aren't there in 4.2, so:
Keyword -> regression
Whiteboard -> bibisectRequest backportRequest:4.3

Either you can grab the RC (the first RC of 4.4.0), or wait until the release comes out.  (I tagged this as a backport request, but that takes time for us to locate the commit and determine if it can be backported)
Comment 14 Michael Jonas 2014-12-30 13:09:50 UTC
(In reply to Robinson Tryon (qubit) from comment #13)
> TESTING with Ubuntu 14.04 + LO
> (In reply to Michael Jonas from comment #4)
> > Created attachment 111291 [details]
> > 
> When I open the file in, I don't see any rectangles around the
> images.
> When I open the file in, I *do see* rectangles around the images.
> Assuming that the 4.4 build is showing the correct behavior, I CONFIRM this
> bug, but because it's fixed in a newer version:
> You mentioned that the rectangles aren't there in 4.2, so:
> Keyword -> regression
> Whiteboard -> bibisectRequest backportRequest:4.3
> Either you can grab the RC (the first RC of 4.4.0), or wait until
> the release comes out.  (I tagged this as a backport request, but that takes
> time for us to locate the commit and determine if it can be backported)

I'm glad I could help with locating the "bug".  What do "backport" and "RC" mean? 

Thank you very much.

Comment 15 Julien Nabet 2014-12-30 17:47:34 UTC
(In reply to Michael Jonas from comment #14)
> I'm glad I could help with locating the "bug".  What do "backport" and "RC"
> mean? 
RC = Release Candidate (so a version of a software which could be the official one)
see https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan/4.3#4.3.5_release for an example with last stable LO 4.3.5

to backport a fix means to retrieve the fix of development branch (we call it "master branch", this one corresponds to future 4.5) and apply it in older branch like 4.3 (so the bug won't appear on 4.3.6).
Comment 16 Michael Jonas 2014-12-30 22:41:18 UTC
(In reply to Julien Nabet from comment #15)
> (In reply to Michael Jonas from comment #14)
> ...
> > I'm glad I could help with locating the "bug".  What do "backport" and "RC"
> > mean? 
> > 
> RC = Release Candidate (so a version of a software which could be the
> official one)
> see https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan/4.3#4.3.5_release for an
> example with last stable LO 4.3.5
> Backport:
> to backport a fix means to retrieve the fix of development branch (we call
> it "master branch", this one corresponds to future 4.5) and apply it in
> older branch like 4.3 (so the bug won't appear on 4.3.6).

Thank you very much...I'm not only enjoying LO, but learning as well.  I've made a donation, and will do so again.
Comment 17 Michael Stahl (allotropia) 2015-09-15 15:56:30 UTC
4.3 is EOL, removing "backportrequest"
Comment 18 Robinson Tryon (qubit) 2015-12-17 08:42:33 UTC
Migrating Whiteboard tags to Keywords: (bibisectRequest)