Proofreading mode One of the effective ways to proofread a written document is to use a ruler under the line you are reading. It’s not really practical on a computer screen for obvious reasons. I was wondering whether a “Proofreading mode” could be added to Libreoffice. When “Proofreading mode” is selected the document goes into print preview mode and the first line is highlighted in yellow (user selectable colour). Then the highlighted line can roll up and down the page line by line using the mouse wheel or the up and down button on the keyboard. That will give you something close to using an electronic ruler to proofread. Regards Michael
I'll confirm as a valid enhancement request. FYI: Enhancements are tackled almost entirely by volunteers. We have a strong motto of "doers decide." So - this means that enhancements are largely only done if a volunteer with coding skills finds the issue interesting enough to tackle. To be honest, this means that lots of enhancement requests, although valid, never get implemented. This particular one would be quite difficult to implement and likely never will but maybe someone will find it interesting at some point and give it a shot.
Since no one jumped on the train in the past years it might be not the common way of proof-reading. Or being too complex. In any case I suggest to realize such a special feature per extension.