When writing equations with the default font used on Linux for formula (Liberation Serif), the + and - operators do not have the same width, making systems such as 3 x + 5 y = 22 8 x - 3 y = 16 to not look well aligned when writing: left lbrace matrix{ alignr 3 x + 5 y # {} = {} # alignl 22 ## alignr 8 x - 3 y # {} = {} # alignl 16 } right none IMHO, the font used by default should have operators +, - and · take the same width, or the formula editor should compensate the width difference.
Actually rather than Liberation Serif the font in use is probably OpenSymbol. Work on bug 103740 will replace OpenSymbol's over weight plus sign. Meanwhile, if you use another font with Math symbol coverage (e.g. STIX, Asana Math, Noto Sans Symbols, or DejaVu Math TeX Gyre) you would probably have more appealing layout. Done from Tools -> Options -> Fonts: Apply replacement table check box and setting a replacement for OpenSymbol. STIX glyphs offer pretty good alignment. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 103740 ***
I just downloaded and installed the STIX 2.0 fonts from http://stixfonts.org/, and I don't see any improvements if I replace Liberation Serif by STIX Two Math. Maybe am I missing something.
No, you'd replace OpenSymbol with STIX--formula editor uses OpenSymbol for all its symbol elements.
Ah ok, now it works. Thanks a lot! :)