Wenn ich das neueste (freigegebene) LibreOffice installiere und ein Update verfügbar ist, bekomme ich nie das neueste Update angeboten. Im Moment habe ich z.B. installiert. Klicke ich auf die Meldung, dass ein Update verfügbar ist, komme ich auf 5.2.5 und nich auf 5.3.0, auf das ich komme, wenn ich direkt zu libreoffice.org gehe. Das ist nach meiner Vorstellung falsch, denn ich habe nie ausgewählt, eine ältere "Extended Support" Release zu erhalten (wie es die z.B. bei Browsern gibt). Im Gegenteil: Ich will immer die neueste, freigegebene Version, was ich ja auch durch das Herunterladen der neuesten Version signalisiert habe.
Latest updated proposed concern only the same branch, that's why 5.3 isn't proposed. UX team: perhaps it could be an enhancement in LO options, what do you think? BTW, please create trackers in English so more people can contribute.
Could you please translate the bug to English ?
Short translation: Werner wants to get the newest update when choosing update with update-function of LO. He has installed and gets the version 5.2.5, but doesn't get 5.3.0, as he expected.
Isn't a special Base-Bug. So I set component to LibreOffice.
This is something I noticed from the beginning. At start it confused me. In other projects you can chose to either always get the latest version (possibly selectable release, beta, alpha, nightly; standard is release) or you can chose an extended support release, which gets no new features but only bugfixes. After I installed the latest released LibreOffice, I am expecting to always get a link to the latest released version upon the info "new update available". If someone doesn't know the update behaviour of LibreOffice, he or she will always remain on an old version. The existence of a newer version can only be seen, if you go to the libreoffice.org main page and follow the "download now" link.
If you run the _still_ version you get updates on this channel (currently 5.2.5). When you expect to be on the bleeding edge of the development, almost, then you should install the _fresh_ version which updates to 5.3. The difference between the two lines is explained at our download site http://www.libreoffice.org/download/download/. It clearly WONTFIX when we updated from one line to another. But I admit that the information is not easy to retrieve as you may have got your version from a 3rd party website, a CD, a distribution or any other place that hides away our release cycles. The good news is that we consider new update channels which would solve your confusion. PS: There a plenty of options to get help in German. Telegram is one option for a quick QA both in English on the official channel as well as in German. And you may also use https://ask.libreoffice.org/de/questions/ for those questions. PPS: The keyword NeedsUXEval should always be accompanied by CC to ux-advice. Otherwise it may take some time until the ticket gets attention.