Abbreviations are placed in dictionaries with dot. So LO will suggest 'anthrop.' for 'anthrop' if somebody forget to put dot at the end. Problem is if somebody misspell actual abbreviation: 'anhtrop.' instead 'anthrop.' (ht instead th). Now LO will not recognize this as abbreviation and will not suggest 'anthrop.' at all and first letter of next word is autocorrected to uppercase. Abbreviations are placed in SentenceExceptList.xml and LO is checking against that list but that works only if everything is spelled correctly. Think that LO should compare misspelled words followed by dots with SentenceExceptList.xml file and if misspelled word is at distance level 1 from abbreviation in that list, correct abbreviation should be suggested and if user accepts that suggestion, capitalization of next word should be autocorrected accordingly: Now: anhtrop. <word> -> anthrop. <Word> [anthrop. not suggested] Desired: anhtrop. <word> -> anthrop. <Word> [suggestion 'anthrop.'] (if accepted) -> anthrop. <word>
Sounds reasonable -> NEW
Still present in LO on Debian Buster (curr testing).