Hello! The other day I was thinking about the problem that some software doesn't have a thesaurus. So, I was reflecting about how to solve that once and for all. I remembered Daniel Naber's OpenThesaurus and came up with the idea of placing all LO's or AOO's thesaurus in PDFs, so that the entire planet could benefit from that. So, "Project Open Thesauri" came to birth. I have improved my Hunspell tool, Proofing Tool GUI, to extract thesauri in a stage that we can open with AOO/LO add some formatting, and it is ready to be exported to PDF. I would like to know if someone could create a Wiki page for all language PDFs to be uploaded. If the idea sounds good, on Sunday I will compile Proofing Tool GUI (with that export feature) and tell people where to download it. So far, two PDFs have been created: 1) pt-PT (5 MB) https://www.dropbox.com/s/roxh284korafzhe/OpenThesaurus_pt-PT_20170413b.pdf?dl=0 2) en-US (23 MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/26l3yqxzpi5y19n/OpenThesaurus_en-US_20170413.pdf?dl=0 The model can be downloaded also: https://www.dropbox.com/s/26bwx30oo11dfec/OpenThesaurus_en-US-model.odt?dl=0 Thank you for your time! Kind regards,
Created attachment 132545 [details] The model
Anybody has idea how this ticket should be treated ?
This is a compelling idea, but it's something that belongs in the communities dealing with different languages and language tools (and there is probably a better suited medium for thesauri on computers than PDF).
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