Bug 109259 - FILESAVE: ODS vs XLS conditional formating
Summary: FILESAVE: ODS vs XLS conditional formating
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Blocks: XLS-Conditional-Formatting
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Reported: 2017-07-21 14:36 UTC by Daniel Mondot
Modified: 2024-03-11 05:34 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Daniel Mondot 2017-07-21 14:36:04 UTC
First, I am using LibreOffice Calc Version on Ubunt 16/04.2
There are multiple problems with conditional formatting
I tried to color-code based on value a series of cells
So I use this:

Condition 1
All Cells             Color Scale (3 entries)
Value                 Percentile                Value
1                      60                       120
light red             yellow                    Green

And at first, when I apply these settings to a bunch of cells with values 1 to 127, it works ok.
Then, If I save the file as an .XLS format, and reload it, all the formatting is gone, all cells are white again.
Instead, if I save the file as an .ODS format, and reload it, some of the formatting is gone, and some is formatted wrong. 
For example, I might have 1 or 2 column formatted with colors, and the rest with a white background.
But even the cells that are colored are wrong, some cells that should be green are yellow instead. If I try to edit the condition, it appears that it is what I set it to be. It just renders wrong.

If I try to copy that format (that was saved and reloaded), the copied cells are also not working right, but if I recreate the colorscale condition, and copy that new condition (that looked identical), then the coloring is working again.

Please let me know if you need a sample file.
Comment 1 Daniel Mondot 2017-07-21 17:52:29 UTC
Let me correct my earlier report.

I believe the change of color from green to yellow was probably due to using "percentile" (which behavior I do not fully understand) instead of using "Value".
When I use "value", there is no change of color.

So, it come down to losing conditional formatting when saving in specific format:

When I save in .XLS, .UOS, >ODS or .DIF formats, the conditional formatting is just completely lost.
When I save in .ODS format, it is only partially lost, if multiple consecutive cells have the same format, only the first cell in each line shows that formatting after reloading the file.
Lets say I have a color scale formatting on cell C403, and I duplicate it to cells C403:N434, all the cells will show that color formatting.
If I go to Conditional Formatting > Manage, there is listing only for the cells of column C.
There I can edit the entries and change it to say C403:N434
And only if I do that, when I save and reload the file, all the cells will have the proper formatting.
So it's not really a problem of saving/restoring under .ODS format, but rather that the information about the cells was wrong.

As proof of that, before I manually change the range of cells for a particular conditional formatting, if I copy let's say column #2 to column 30, then column 30 will have no special formatting.

So, I believe the problem lies when I copy the formatting of a cell to a group of cells spanning more than 1 column and more than 1 row.
If I copy a cell to more cells in the same column, it works
if I copy a column to multiple adjacent columns it works
but copying A1 to B2:F9 doesn't work, it only "appears" to work, as the cells will be displayed correctly, but If I go to Formatting > Manage, I will see that only the cells B2:B9 will have the formatting, and not C1:F9
So, if I save the file and reload it, the formatting of C1:F9 will appear to have disappeared.

I hope this clarifies everything.
Comment 2 m_a_riosv 2017-07-22 11:27:38 UTC
Please attach a sample file to test.

OTOH maybe some of those format doesn't support this kind of conditional format, are you sure they should.
Comment 3 QA Administrators 2018-01-29 10:27:26 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 4 QA Administrators 2018-03-02 10:05:37 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

Please read this message in its entirety before proceeding.

Your bug report is being closed as INSUFFICIENTDATA due to inactivity and
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your bug against the latest release. If the issue is still
present in the latest stable release, we need the following
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a) Provide details of your system including your operating
   system and the latest version of LibreOffice that you have
   confirmed the bug to be present

b) Provide easy to reproduce steps – the simpler the better

c) Provide any test case(s) which will help us confirm the problem

d) Provide screenshots of the problem if you think it might help

e) Read all comments and provide any requested information

Once all of this is done, please set the bug back to UNCONFIRMED
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Warm Regards,
QA Team
