Description: Function for E6 is: =E7+C6-D6 All other results are right in the E-row Format of C6 and D6 verified as Number with 2 digits Verified that decimals after dot and not comma Steps to Reproduce: 1.tip in C1: 5331.30 2.tip in E2: -5331.30 3.function in E1: =E2+C1-C1, result zero 4.tip in D2: 6531.30 5.tip in E3: 1000.00 6. copy E1 to paste in E2, result -200 Actual Results: wrong result always -200 under the right result Expected Results: probably inference between the value and code while not reproduced with D, E anf F rows for example Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: No Additional Info: [Information automatically included from LibreOffice] Locale: fr Module: SpreadsheetDocument [Information guessed from browser] OS: Windows 10 OS is 64bit: yes Builds ID: LibreOffice User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.90 Safari/537.36
Created attachment 135338 [details] Accounting my mother by social health-care institution
sorry, the right function in E1 is: =E2+C1-C2
oh my....! it's enough i tried easyer and it's wrong definitively for E1: =E2+C1-D1 just look at my attachment for E7 best regards.
On Win7, with LO 5.3.4, I just opened the file. E6=E7+C6-D6 (here 6400) E7=E8+C7-D7 (here 0) C6=6400 (direct value) D6=empty => so E6 is ok E8=-5331,3 (direct value) C7=5331,3 (direct value) D7=empty => so E7 OK E1 contains just the label "Solde". In brief, I don't understand what's your problem. Also, what does "tip in C1" mean? C1 contains label "Crédit".
I think the apparent issue, appears because in E5 there is a value not a formula. Copying the formula there the result for 'Solde' it's fine.
Yes Julien, you're right. The problem is when you copy the funcion, for example from E9 and paste it to E8, than the result of E7 will be -200 instead of 0.
For "Steps to reproduce", i just tried to create an example without all other datas. The error seems linked to the columns names, not to the lines numbers. Correctly formulated: 1. tip in C1: 5331.30 2. tip in E2: -5331.30 3. function in E1: =E2+C1-D1, result zero (because D1 is empty) 4. tip in D2: 6531.30 5. tip in E3: 1000.00 6. copy E1 to paste in E2, result -200, wrong wile E2 has the same value as before (-5331.30) but the result of the function and no more a direct value
Created attachment 135395 [details] Sample file corrected and tested. What it's wrong? E2=1000(e3)-6531,3(d2)=-5531,3 E1=-5531,3(e2)+5331,3(c1)=-200 Your file corrected with a couple of test to verify the result.
Thank you ! I'm sorry about such a mistake, and probably need better glasses, Best regards. Michel
Thank you Michel for your feedback. Since there's no specific fix and there was no bug indeed, let's put this one to NOTABUG.