When the memory usage is high on the machine, and you open a file dialog ("com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FilePicker") prior to running "ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.connect" in a BASIC macro, all subsequent calls to ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.connect. Also it is then not possible to edit the database. You get an error saying that the JRE is corrupt and cannot be loaded. It only works when you connect (ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.connect) before opening the file dialog. It even works when you manually click on the "Table" view of another database document. Once the JRE is loaded it does not matter what you do. I am using an embedded hsqldb database with a huge macro library. This is pretty hard to reproduce with a small test library. It is not so much the fact that under low memory conditions the JRE cannot be loaded--it is just so unpredictable and almost impossible to find out why this is happening.
Sample code: REM ***** BASIC ***** Sub Main ThisComponent.DialogLibraries.LoadLibrary("GSCLib") GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("Tools") currentDir = DirectoryNameoutofPath(ConvertFromURL(ThisComponent.Location), getPathSeparator()) & getPathSeparator() & "work" filepath = OpenFileName(currentDir, "lehrgangslistemanuelltext.csv", "Lehrgangsdaten importieren") On Error Goto ErrorHandler if (not ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.isConnected) then ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.connect endif oConn = ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.ActiveConnection On Error Goto 0 exit sub ErrorHandler: if (GetGUIType() = 1) then MsgBox("Es konnte keine Datenbankverbindung hergestellt werden. Vermutlich ist entweder kein 32bit (i586/x86) Java auf dem System installiert oder in LibreOffice unter Extras > Optionen > LibreOffice > Erweitert ist eine falsche Java-Version ausgewählt." & CHR(13) & CHR(13) & "Eventuell ist die aktuelle Datenbankdatei in einem anderen Programm (LibreOffice/soffice oder Java) geöffnet. In diesem Fall diese Datei und alle LibreOffice und Java-Programme beenden, gegebenenfalls den Windows Taskmanager dazu benützen.", MB_ICONSTOP + MB_OK + MB_DEFBUTTON1) else MsgBox("Es konnte keine Datenbankverbindung hergestellt werden. Vermutlich ist Java nicht richtig auf dem System installiert oder in LibreOffice unter Extras > Optionen > LibreOffice > Erweitert ist eine falsche Java-Version ausgewählt." & CHR(13) & CHR(13) & "Eventuell ist die aktuelle Datenbankdatei in einem anderen Programm (LibreOffice/soffice oder Java) geöffnet. In diesem Fall diese Datei und alle LibreOffice und Java-Programme beenden. Notfalls Java neu installieren.", MB_ICONSTOP + MB_OK + MB_DEFBUTTON1) endif Stop End Sub Function OpenFileName(folder, fileName, title) GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("Tools") fileOpenDlg = createUnoService("com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.FilePicker") ' fileOpenDlg.setMultiSelectionMode(false) Args = Array(com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.TemplateDescription.FILEOPEN_SIMPLE) fileOpenDlg.initialize(Args) fileOpenDlg.title = title if len(folder) > 0 then fileOpenDlg.setDisplayDirectory(ConvertToUrl(folder)) endif if len(fileName) > 0 then fileOpenDlg.setDefaultName(fileName) endif fileOpenDlg.appendFilter("CSV (in UTF-8), Microsoft Excel", "*.csv;*.xls;*.xlsx;*.ods") fileOpenDlg.appendFilter("Alle Dateien", "*.*") ' fileOpenDlg.setLabel( com.sun.star.ui.dialogs.CommonFilePickerElementIds.PUSHBUTTON_OK, "Save" ) fileOpenDlg.execute() files = fileOpenDlg.getFiles() if ((ubound(files) - lbound(files) + 1) > 0) then OpenFileName() = ConvertFromURL(files(0)) else OpenFileName() = "" endIf fileOpenDlg.dispose() End Function When I move the "ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.connect" call above the OpenFilename call, it works always, even under low memory conditions. If there are hints on how to handle such things better, please let me eknow,
Maybe this is related to bug 100850
Thank you for reporting the bug. it seems you're using an old version of LibreOffice. from https://www.libreoffice.org/download/libreoffice-fresh/ ? I have set the bug's status to 'NEEDINFO'. Please change it back to 'UNCONFIRMED' if the bug is still present in the latest version.
I just tried to reproduce this with, and could not so far. Please close this bug.
Thanks for retesting with the latest version. Setting to RESOLVED WORKSFORME as the commit fixing this issue hasn't been identified.
Since the change that fixes this problem has not been found, it is being set to RESOLVED WORKSFORME. https://geometrydashbreeze.net
If possible, delay the file dialog until after the database connection is successfully established. https://bigtowertinysquaregame.com