Bug 113640 - FORMATTING: When undo and redo, custom styles and formatting lost
Summary: FORMATTING: When undo and redo, custom styles and formatting lost
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: low minor
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-11-04 10:42 UTC by Kevin Suo
Modified: 2018-12-25 15:42 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:


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Description Kevin Suo 2017-11-04 10:42:38 UTC
This is a split from bug 88555. That bug report reported the lost of custom styles attributes, and the crash, when doing undo and redo. 
The crash issue was fixed in that bug report, but the lost of custom style attributes issue is still there, which is a different problem.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. New Writer;
2. Create a new paragraph style (named "test") based on the default style, font color = blue.
3. Type in "abc" in your document, then apply style "test" to the text.
4. Undo until you can not undo. (I mean, undo all the steps, untill the "undo" toolbar icon is grayed out).
5. Redo untill you can not redo. (I mean, redo all the steps, untill the "redo" toolbar icon is grayed out).

Actual Results:  
"abc" is in black color

Expected Results:
"abc" is in blue color with the "test" style applied.

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: Yes

OpenGL enabled: Yes

Additional Info:
Aparently, by doing "undo" in step 4, 
* Firstly the applying of style "test" to text "abc" was undone;
* Then the style attributes of "test" was undone;
* Then the creation of style "test" was undone.

However, by doing "redo" in step 5, 
* The creation of style "test" was redone,
* But the style attributes of "test" was NOT redone (or was not redone correctly)
* Also the applying of style "test" to text "abc" was not redone.

I set this to NEW during reporting as it was already confirmed in the original bug report.

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:56.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/56.0
Comment 1 Timur 2018-12-25 15:42:37 UTC
LO 6.3+:
A. no repro if, when created a new paragraph style (named "test") based on the default style in step 2., paragraph with cursor left as "test" (automatically changed, so 3. then apply style "test" is not necessary)
B. no repro if, when created a new paragraph style (named "test") based on the default style in step 2., in 2a. paragraph changed from "test" to "Text Body" (and than in 3. to "test")

I'll close.