Bug 113705 - linebreak unit test failure when building against libicu 60.1
Summary: linebreak unit test failure when building against libicu 60.1
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: framework (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All Linux (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Eike Rathke
Whiteboard: target:6.0.0
Depends on:
Blocks: ICU
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Reported: 2017-11-07 21:23 UTC by Olivier Tilloy
Modified: 2022-05-15 00:27 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

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Description Olivier Tilloy 2017-11-07 21:23:57 UTC
Test build of libreoffice 5.4.2 in Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) against libicu 60.1:

Test name: TestBreakIterator::testLineBreaking
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 4
- Actual  : 9
- Expected a break at the first slash

This is a regression, the test was passing when building against libicu 59.1.

Steps to Reproduce:
See full build log at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/344849432/buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-amd64.libreoffice_1%3A5.4.2-0ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz

Actual Results:  
Line break doesn't happen where expected.

Expected Results:
Line break should happen at the right place.

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu Chromium/63.0.3239.30 Chrome/63.0.3239.30 Safari/537.36
Comment 1 Xisco Faulí 2017-11-08 00:12:25 UTC
Hello Olivier Tilloy,
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Since this is not an issue in LibreOffice's software, I'd recommend you to send an email to the dev mailing list [1] instead, the right place for this kind of  problems.
Comment 2 Rene Engelhard 2017-11-08 09:01:00 UTC
09:56 < ricotz> hello, how is this not an upstream problem 
                https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113705 ? of 
                course this is building with icu 60.1 which isn't officially 
                used by upstream yet
09:56 < IZBot> bug 113705: LibreOffice-framework normal/medium RESOLVED NOTABUG 
               linebreak unit test failure when building against libicu 60.1
09:57 < ricotz> _rene_, hi, fyi ^
09:57 < tml_> but the resolution says it *is* an upstream problem
09:58 < tml_> in icu upstream, that is
09:58 < loircbot> LibreOffice (core) caolanm * 
                  vcl/unx/generic/gdi/cairotextrender.cxx: ofz speed up fuzzers 
                  a tad
09:59 < _rene_> tml_: why should it?
09:59 < ricotz> tml_, I assumed this is some behaviour change which libreoffice 
                would need to adapt to
09:59 < _rene_> exactly
09:59 < tml_> or is there something sacred with the ICU software that they can 
              never have bugs, and any regressions in their behavioiur is 
              always the fault of their clients?
09:59 -!- ohallot [~Thunderbi@] has joined #libreoffice-dev
09:59 -!- iplaw67 [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Read error: Connection 
          reset by peer]
10:00 < ricotz> tml_, this has to be determined without closing this bug 
                prematurely imo
10:00 < _rene_> tml_: you don't know. but the NOTABUG based on x1sc0 s comment 
                is simply wrong
10:00 < _rene_> it mnight be a ICU  change LO needs to adapt to, yes
10:00 < _rene_> like the changes in 59 etc
Comment 3 Rene Engelhard 2017-11-08 09:09:38 UTC
10:07 < khaledhosny[m]> There are line breaking and other text segmentation 
                        changes in latest version(s) of Unicode that ICU 
                        probably implemented and our code mught having wrong 
                        assumptions about.

assign to Eike
Comment 4 Olivier Tilloy 2017-11-08 11:50:52 UTC
Those are the changes related to line breaking in unicode 10: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/tr14-39.html#Modifications
Comment 5 Olivier Tilloy 2017-11-10 14:42:43 UTC
What's the priority for that issue?
Can we expect an upstream fix in the near future (if so which timeframe), or should I try and come up with a distro-patch for Ubuntu (I'm not familiar with that code, I don't how much work that might involve)?
Comment 6 Khaled Hosny 2017-11-14 08:48:12 UTC
Might not be a change in line breaking rules after all. ICU changed something related to break iterators and that might be the root issue here, or it might be just a pure ICU bug. Needs someone familiar with the use if break iterators in LIbreOffice to debug and figure if it is a bug in ICU or in our code.
Comment 7 Olivier Tilloy 2017-11-14 10:47:55 UTC
There's https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/44665 that updates the bundled version of ICU to 60.1, but it fails to build even earlier.