The MRI extension site lists two versions: 1.1.2 and 1.1.4. Neither one will install in LO; each of these produces a different error. Compatibility is listed as up to 3.5, so this is no surprise. The OpenOffice site has a later version: 1.3.3, and this one does install. However, the menu bar of MRI is completely unusable; each menu item drops down so little that there is no room for any menu subitems to be displayed. I have successfully installed this version into LO, and the menu items function as expected. I am surprised that a minor version change (from 5.1 to 5.3) would have any effect on the behavior of so basic a component as a menu.
What is MRI extension ? Please provide a link. Set status to NEEDINFO, please set it back to UNCONFIRMED once requested informations are provided. Best regards. JBF
LO extension page for 1.1.2 and 1.1.4: OO extension page for 1.3.3:
According to, this extension is not intended to work with LibreOffice. Please, ask the extension author for help. Closing as NotOurBug. Best regards. JBF