Bug 114924 - FORMATTING - Adapt shape Width/Height to text option not available
Summary: FORMATTING - Adapt shape Width/Height to text option not available
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Impress (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Windows (All)
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2018-01-09 09:22 UTC by bureautiquelibre
Modified: 2024-12-03 16:13 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Crash report or crash signature:

Option for fit to text is unavailable (28.65 KB, image/png)
2018-01-09 09:22 UTC, bureautiquelibre

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Description bureautiquelibre 2018-01-09 09:22:48 UTC
Created attachment 138992 [details]
Option for fit to text is unavailable

In Impress, fit Width/Height to text appears as disabled in Position and Size dialog when applied to shapes.

Consequence is that this feature seems to be unavailable in LibreOffice from a user point of view which is a pity because it is indeed implemented ...

Only way to activate this is through the following manipulation which is not easy to find:

Enter text edit mode in a shape by double click, then Right click / Text / Resize shape to fit text option is available and works fine.

Suggestion is to implement this option directly in the Position and Size Dialog.

Likely a topic for Design ;)

Eric Ficheux
Comment 1 Heiko Tietze 2018-01-19 13:33:46 UTC
True, "Position and Size" from the context menu or via "Format > Object and Shape > Position and Size" or per F4 doesn't support this. But when you change the style and toggle "Resize shape to fit text" off under the tab Text, you get access to "Fit to frame", which does the trick. However it's a bad workaround since the style affects all objects.

So my suggestion would be to have it like this in both dialogs but allow to overwrite the style per object, if that's possible.

(o) Do not adjust size
( ) Fit frame to text
    [ ] Width
    [ ] Height
( ) Fit text to frame

"Adjust to contour" is unclear to me.
Comment 2 Regina Henschel 2018-11-06 01:13:41 UTC
There exist several kind of drawing objects. They handle the text different. In styles all options are available because a style can be applied to different kind of objects. But in the direct formatting of a shape, you get only the properties which can be actually applied (at least that should be).

Text boxes including legacy callouts have: Either "Fit to Frame" or ("Fit height to text" and "Fit width to text"). If "Fit width to text" is not checked, line wrap is enabled.

Legacy shapes and polygons have: "Fit to Frame" (= streching) and "Adjust to Contour". The latter means, that the text reaches to the outline of the shape. That is different to custom shapes, where the text is limited to the rectangle area, which is defined in the enhanced geometry of the custom shape. You see the difference, if you compare a legacy circle with a custom shape circle.

Custom shapes have: "Word wrap text in shape" and "Resize shape to fit text".

So you can have "Fit height to text" and "Fit width to text" in the Position&Size dialog only, if a text box or legacy callout has been selected.

There had been a bug, that for text boxes these settings were not enabled, but that bug is fixed in the meantime.

For me this is a "worksforme".
Comment 3 Heiko Tietze 2018-11-06 07:53:57 UTC
(In reply to Regina Henschel from comment #2)
> For me this is a "worksforme".

Because one of the various objects allows the operation? Don't you expect the feature similarly working for all objects?
Comment 4 Heiko Tietze 2019-01-22 09:05:23 UTC
No further input so following Regina's suggestion with WFM.

@Olivier: Please consider to add her explanation in c2 to the help.
Comment 5 Olivier Hallot 2019-02-18 21:54:40 UTC
I tested Regina's comments to see where it fits in Help. I think there is still a design issue.

So there are "custom shape" and "shapes".

Visually there is no difference between a rectangle and a custom rectangle at their default. Both rectables have same blue color.

So in the point of view of the user, Eric's report stands. Different object have same visual result but different properties.

Would you consider changing default background/line color or shape of the handles to differentiate objects underlying the same external appearance?

Another question is how bad is to drop (or hide) the commands to create the legacy shapes, so from now on only custom shapes are created?
Comment 6 Heiko Tietze 2019-02-19 07:13:48 UTC
(In reply to Olivier Hallot from comment #5)
> Would you consider changing default background/line color or shape of the
> handles to differentiate objects underlying the same external appearance?

Admitted, the difference is not clear. Object background color could be an idea but it is "unit tested" at so many places that we better not touch it. The simple solution is a text in the properties dialog. Ideally we have a special ticket for this.

> Another question is how bad is to drop (or hide) the commands to create the
> legacy shapes, so from now on only custom shapes are created?

There are always use cases for different features and removing one ends up in a regression.