Bug 115224 - FILESAVE HTMLEXPORT shapes badly positioned after saved as HTML
Summary: FILESAVE HTMLEXPORT shapes badly positioned after saved as HTML
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All Linux (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2018-01-25 09:25 UTC by Marian
Modified: 2018-03-14 08:23 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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spreadsheet containing variois shapes (15.03 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet)
2018-01-25 09:25 UTC, Marian

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Description Marian 2018-01-25 09:25:04 UTC
Created attachment 139355 [details]
spreadsheet containing variois shapes

After saving the attached spreadsheet in HTML (or simply previewing it in the browser) the shapes are thrown in the oddest places!

Tested with LO version 6 and 5.1
Comment 1 Jacques Guilleron 2018-01-25 14:22:33 UTC
Hi Marian,

Does it work when you group your forms (Format > Group) before saving in Htlm?
Comment 2 Regina Henschel 2018-01-26 00:49:52 UTC
In resulting HTML file the shapes are replaced with images, which are put inside the cell. The table structure is disturbed. You can better see what happens, if you enable cell borders.

If the shapes are anchored to page, then all shapes-images should go into a div-element, which is outside the table. Here the export is surely wrong.

If you group the shapes, one picture is generated. That gives a better placement in case the cells behind the group are empty. That might be a workaround in case of the attached document, but not in general. If the cells contain something, the shape-image is placed after the table.

As workaround I suggest to copy the relevant part of the table and insert it in a Writer/Web document. Then group the shapes, insert the group in Draw and generate a png-image from it. Insert this image in Write/Web before the table, anchor it to page and drag it to the desired position.

Unfortunaltely the HTML-export is not maintained at all currently. So I suggest a "wontfix".
Comment 3 Marian 2018-01-26 08:14:27 UTC
It's a pity that this module is not maintained any more! I actually use Libre Office to perform batch conversions (in a script) so all these "manual" solutions are not appropriated for me! :-(
Comment 4 Xisco Faulí 2018-03-14 08:23:27 UTC
> Unfortunaltely the HTML-export is not maintained at all currently. So I
> suggest a "wontfix".

Setting status as suggested...