Description: The spaces between the Hebrew words are in the Western font. It is very annoying to always get the added word or char in the font that was NOT chosen for the text of the document! Steps to Reproduce: 1.two words in Hebrew in font "a" (the font (the default font?) of the doc). 2.a Hebrew word (or char) are inserted between these two Hebrew word after the space (to the left of the space) 3. Actual Results: the added chars are in different font "b" - in the font that is the Western font that "translated" to a Hebrew font (with the name that are the nearest to the Western font's name). Expected Results: In case the only the specific document (that I working with it) have this annoying feature, then tell me the workaround for the problem! Even when I copy all the doc into the new empty one then the font changed to the default font and the spaces between Hebrew words becomes be in this font -- BUT after the doc saved and opened the spaces becomes be in the WESTERN font again!!! :( Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: No Additional Info: [Information automatically included from LibreOffice] Locale: ru Module: StartModule [Information guessed from browser] OS: Windows (All) OS is 64bit: no User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36
only the workaround I fond - the set for the CPECIFIC doc the WESTERN font as the needed me Hebrew (!) font - and then, after the doc saved, the text are in Hebrew even in the spaces between the Hebrew words. The problem is that into the Tables this workaround does not works.
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i'm apologize for my report^ it looks as the using the tool before learning it... now i think the problem was appears because i was NOT setup the DOCUMENT (it fonts and so) and because of this reason the spaces was not in the font i use for the writing. now i do not see the problem (meanwhile? :) )... The tool is not much the Word ... Excuse me for now...
Ok, I'm glad you figured it out!