Provide the ability to select the size of the preview images on the right side of the start center window. Presumably below some size they'd be shown as generic doc type icons rather than actual previews. I would assume this would be implemented as a new preference in the LibreOffice/Preferences/LibreOffice/View window, but it could also be provided as some feature in the start center window itself. (If this ability is there somewhere, I couldn't find it!)
Confirming - this is currently not one of the options available in the Advanced Configuration Properties.
Tested on Version: Build ID: 60bfb1526849283ce2491346ed2aa51c465abfe6 CPU threads: 4; OS: Mac OS X 10.13.3; UI render: default; Locale: fr-FR (fr_FR.UTF-8); Calc: group
I posted this suggestion too hastily. After thinking it over, it doesn't make much sense. The whole idea was to have the option to make the icons smaller so more of them could be shown in the start center. For that to really work, the font size used to display the name of the file is also going to have to be made smaller or the layout arranged differently (name next to icon, say) or both and that's beginning to sound like a lot of work for not much benefit. Conclusion: if you have so many files in your recents list they don't fit in the start window, you probably want to organize and access that list in a different way, such as at least through the File menu's Recent Documents item.