This bug needs Windows for testing. Start Writer. Insert > Object > OLE Object > Create New and Further Objects. Select an application from the list, but neither LibreOffice or ApacheOpenOffice or similar, e.g. PaintBrush. Create the object. You will likely find "End and back" or "update" in the file menu of that application. Finish that way. Back in Writer save the document. Open the file and inspect the <draw:object-ole> element. It should have a draw:class-id attribute which the clsid number for the used application, but this attribute is missing. Do the same with starting with Calc, Draw, or Impress. There the attribute is written. The attribute is not mandatory, but it is useful for interoperability to write this attribute. And as the other modules write it, Writer should write it too. In the API the CLSID exists both for TextEmbeddedObject and for OLE2Shape.
I believe you and thus set to NEW.