Bug 116659 - Data validation creates unexpected behavior in text control of Animation duration dropdown
Summary: Data validation creates unexpected behavior in text control of Animation dura...
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 116658
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Impress (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Windows (All)
: medium minor
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-03-27 13:52 UTC by Joel Graff
Modified: 2018-03-28 18:45 UTC (History)
0 users

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Result when entering "0.25" and ".25" in the animation duration text box (upper and lower images, respectively) (107.16 KB, image/jpeg)
2018-03-27 13:52 UTC, Joel Graff

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Description Joel Graff 2018-03-27 13:52:08 UTC
Created attachment 140913 [details]
Result when entering "0.25" and ".25" in the animation duration text box (upper and lower images, respectively)

I've been using Impress heavily for the first time and I came across something that is a bug, if only because it creates a counter-intuitive UI behavior.

For example, suppose I create an object on a slide, open the animation panel at right, add an animation, and switch it to  Entrance:Fly In.

I then decide I want to change the duration from 0.50 sec to 0.25 sec.  If I highlight the entire text in the text box, and directly enter "0.25", the result is 0.26.  (Upper image, below)

If I omit the zero and simply type ".25", "2.52" gets entered instead, forcing the decimal point to the right and retaining part of the previous number. (Lower image, below)

The third issue is that the text field can't be cleared, which, I presume is either because of data format validation or validating the typed value against the list of values in the dropdown.  

Regardless, it's clear to me that the text box is validating the data as the user is keying in the values which results in unexpected behaviors when the user is focused on entering a number.  All data validation should be postponed until after the control loses focus.  

I'll happily file it as a bug, but thought I'd post here first in case this is something that has been discussed and decided is expected or desired behavior.
Comment 1 Buovjaga 2018-03-28 18:45:30 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 116658 ***