When a user wants to insert a line break into a cell, in Excel they can press Alt+Enter to do that. In Calc, this works by pressing Ctrl+Enter, or in the Input line even Shift+Enter. Problem is that switching users who are accustomed to Excel expect Alt+Enter to work like in Excel, and find it an annoyance to learn Ctrl+Enter. Would it be possible to change this default keybinding to Alt+Enter (possibly not removing the existing keybinding)?
Alt+Enter has a functionality in LibreOffice. From help 'Shortcut Keys for Spreadsheets', "To fill a selected cell range with the formula that you entered on the Input line, press Alt+Enter."
* Writer: shift+enter = line break, ctrl+enter = page break, alt+enter = nothing * Draw/Impress (text field, shapes): shift+enter = line break, ctrl+enter = new page, alt+enter = nothing * Calc: shift+enter = nothing, ctrl+enter = line break, alt+enter = nothing => change the short-cut in Calc Fill selected range seems to be hard-coded (select A1:A9, F2 to enter formula, =1, alt+enter = all cells are filled with 1). If this shortcut is really needed, what I doubt, we could use ctrl+enter. @Timur, any opinion as Calc specialist?
Hi I am using alt+enter every time when i need to change 20 to 100 formula at once So why it need to be changed to satisfied those who don't want to learn the difference between A and B The same for Ctrl+enter. I am using two different keyboards, qwerty and azerty, and have no problem using both of them. regards
(In reply to Heiko Tietze from comment #2) > * Calc: shift+enter = nothing, Not true, it closes cell input and moves the cell cursor in the opposite direction of Enter (usually up). > alt+enter = nothing Not true, it closes cell input and selects the cell after. > Fill selected range seems to be hard-coded (select A1:A9, F2 to enter > formula, =1, alt+enter = all cells are filled with 1). If this shortcut is > really needed, what I doubt, we could use ctrl+enter. I use Alt+Enter often to input a range of test data (doesn't work only with formulas but with any data). Specifically it also enters the same formula across all selected sheets at the current cell position, which otherwise is not possible at all. Furthermore, Alt+anykey may be problematic in some combinations with some platforms or Window managers, so it's rather advisable to assign Alt+something to the least used functionality.
So how about switching shift+enter and ctrl+enter?
*** Bug 125148 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
(In reply to Heiko Tietze from comment #5) > So how about switching shift+enter and ctrl+enter? That's even worse. It doesn't help those looking for Excel's Alt+Enter and additionally confuses long time Calc users accustomed to the current behaviour. If you meant switching Alt+Enter and Ctrl+Enter instead, that might be doable with the same caveats about existing Calc users (and documentation), I'm biased as I don't use Excel and thus won't vote for it..
So let's close this (valid) request as WONTFIX. Users have to learn shortcuts (see c3). Ideally, we provide different shortcut assignments via extension (see bug 123768). That would be one for LibreOffice and another for those who are more familiar with other products.