Bug 116867 - Allow direct jump navigation between tabs/sheets in Calc via a drop up list that could be access via a button located between the two tabs/sheets scrolling arrows
Summary: Allow direct jump navigation between tabs/sheets in Calc via a drop up list t...
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2018-04-07 20:00 UTC by Richard Léger
Modified: 2018-04-09 07:58 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Richard Léger 2018-04-07 20:00:08 UTC
When you open a spreadsheet in Calc with a high number of sheets (tabs) it can be cumbersome to navigate between them by using the scrolling arrows especially if they have long names and you need to jump back and force between sheets (tabs).

Similarly to Firefox which has a drop down list of all opened tabs, I was wondering if the LO development team would consider this bug as a feature request (enhancement) of Design UI interface to add an additional UI widget in the Calc interface within the scrolling feature (already used for navigating forward or backward between sheets (tabs)) to allow direct jump/navigation between tabs.

It could be set as a drop up list that could be available at a click of a button located between the two horizontal scrolling arrows prefixing the sheet list (tabs) something like:

 |  Sheet3 |
 |  Sheet2 |
 |v Sheet1 |
 << < O > >> [Sheet1][Sheet2][Sheet3]

Hope this rapid design layout make sense...

The O is a button, located between the arrows, that show/hide(default) via onclick the drop up list of all sheets/tabs available in the spreadsheet. 

In the list that appears, the v simply indicate the current sheet selected

Each sheet in the drop up list is a link allowing to directly jump to the sheet by clicking on it in the list... (the same way in Firefox you would access an open tab in its drop down list of tabs). As soon a sheet link is clicked it you jump to that sheet and the drop down menu would disappear.

I know there is alternative way to navigate between sheets by pressing F5 and use the navigation panel but this is nor intuitive nor really eye candy.

Maybe this drop up list of tabs feature and navigation panel could be merged into one feature or simply make the navigation panel appears as a drop up list located as design above... by pressing button available between the arrows.

It could also be set as a side panel as well... to allow to always have it at hand and in visual.

I hope you may consider such features within the on going work done on UI re-design for LO.

Comment 1 m_a_riosv 2018-04-08 22:55:23 UTC
The option is there with right-click on the '+' next to the tab navigator.
Comment 2 Richard Léger 2018-04-09 07:58:24 UTC
Not very intuitive! And I did search for the feature before raising the ticket with LO help and on Internet!!!

Would UI Design team consider the proposal to make it more obviously accessible via an extra button (left click) located between the two arrows as suggested perhaps or just before the plus sign?

The LO help team may also need to be update the "LO Help" to add this tip into the "Navigating Through Sheet Tabs" section and make it easily found via help search.

Many many many thanks for the tip :-))

That will save me (and others) great amount of time and simplify life tremendously :-)