Bug 117490 - lo_startmain aborts by sigabrt while editing texts
Summary: lo_startmain aborts by sigabrt while editing texts
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice Online
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) Linux (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Reported: 2018-05-07 20:59 UTC by yova
Modified: 2019-01-11 15:26 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Crash report or crash signature:


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Description yova 2018-05-07 20:59:52 UTC
I try to setup a build environment for lool docker container.

Building went well so far, it shows up in the nextcloud, but just after the first key strokes the following errors appear:

libreoffice_1  | kit-00030-00031 2018-05-07 20:08:19.699507 [ lo_startmain ] SIG   Fatal signal received: SIGABRT
libreoffice_1  | Backtrace 30:
libreoffice_1  | /usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN7SigUtil13dumpBacktraceEv+0x5f) [0x49fb2f]
libreoffice_1  | /usr/bin/loolforkit() [0x4a0bdd]
libreoffice_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x11390) [0x7f7c61eb2390]
libreoffice_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x38) [0x7f7c61b0c428]
libreoffice_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x16a) [0x7f7c61b0e02a]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(_ZN16SalUserEventList18DispatchUserEventsEb+0x42c) [0x7f7c5f50495c]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(_ZN14SvpSalInstance7DoYieldEbb+0x38) [0x7f7c5f5ac0c8]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(_ZN11Application5YieldEv+0x2e) [0x7f7c5f52058e]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(_ZN11Application7ExecuteEv+0x45) [0x7f7c5f521e25]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(+0x1dbc28b) [0x7f7c5e4b528b]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(+0x2e2e3c6) [0x7f7c5f5273c6]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(_Z6SVMainv+0x22) [0x7f7c5f5274c2]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(soffice_main+0x8a) [0x7f7c5e4d70ca]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(+0x1ded691) [0x7f7c5e4e6691]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libuno_sal.so.3(+0x41377) [0x7f7c58b19377]
libreoffice_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x76ba) [0x7f7c61ea86ba]
libreoffice_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f7c61bde41d]

I did two tries under debain sid and ubuntu trusty with the same reult.
Comment 1 yova 2018-05-07 21:04:25 UTC
more complete logs, from one error to the next:

libreoffice_1  | Backtrace 30:
libreoffice_1  | /usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN7SigUtil13dumpBacktraceEv+0x5f) [0x49fb2f]
libreoffice_1  | /usr/bin/loolforkit() [0x4a0bdd]
libreoffice_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x11390) [0x7f7c61eb2390]
libreoffice_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x38) [0x7f7c61b0c428]
libreoffice_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(abort+0x16a) [0x7f7c61b0e02a]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(_ZN16SalUserEventList18DispatchUserEventsEb+0x42c) [0x7f7c5f50495c]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(_ZN14SvpSalInstance7DoYieldEbb+0x38) [0x7f7c5f5ac0c8]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(_ZN11Application5YieldEv+0x2e) [0x7f7c5f52058e]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(_ZN11Application7ExecuteEv+0x45) [0x7f7c5f521e25]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(+0x1dbc28b) [0x7f7c5e4b528b]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(+0x2e2e3c6) [0x7f7c5f5273c6]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(_Z6SVMainv+0x22) [0x7f7c5f5274c2]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(soffice_main+0x8a) [0x7f7c5e4d70ca]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so(+0x1ded691) [0x7f7c5e4e6691]
libreoffice_1  | /opt/libreoffice/program/libuno_sal.so.3(+0x41377) [0x7f7c58b19377]
libreoffice_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x76ba) [0x7f7c61ea86ba]
libreoffice_1  | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f7c61bde41d]
lo_web_1       | - - [07/May/2018:20:08:20 +0000] "GET /lool/https%3A%2F%2Fyova.ecobytes.net%2Fapps%2Frichdocuments%2Fwopi%2Ffiles%2F58_oc81fpj1l4f1%3Faccess_token%3DdtdM5VqcqSzDHYyYzgPAzCPMyuQ81qwY%26access_token_ttl%3D0%26permission%3Dedit/ws?WOPISrc=https%3A%2F%2Fyova.ecobytes.net%2Fapps%2Frichdocuments%2Fwopi%2Ffiles%2F58_oc81fpj1l4f1&compat=/ws HTTP/1.1" 101 32895 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0"
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00049 2018-05-07 20:08:20.715097 [ docbroker_002 ] ERR  Invalid or unknown session [0032] to remove.| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:1068
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00049 2018-05-07 20:08:20.715218 [ docbroker_002 ] ERR  No socket associated with WebSocketHandler 0x0x7fbebc013630| ./net/WebSocketHandler.hpp:98
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00026 2018-05-07 20:08:20.715377 [ prisoner_poll ] WRN  Waking up dead poll thread [docbroker_002], started: true, finished: true| ./net/Socket.hpp:514
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00026 2018-05-07 20:08:20.715431 [ prisoner_poll ] WRN  Waking up dead poll thread [docbroker_002], started: true, finished: true| ./net/Socket.hpp:514
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00026 2018-05-07 20:08:20.715822 [ prisoner_poll ] WRN  Waking up dead poll thread [docbroker_002], started: false, finished: true| ./net/Socket.hpp:514
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00026 2018-05-07 20:08:20.716393 [ prisoner_poll ] WRN  Waking up dead poll thread [docbroker_002], started: false, finished: true| ./net/Socket.hpp:514
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00062 2018-05-07 20:08:21.178123 [ docbroker_003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [WatermarkText]| ./common/JsonUtil.hpp:137
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00062 2018-05-07 20:08:21.178215 [ docbroker_003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HidePrintOption]| ./common/JsonUtil.hpp:137
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00062 2018-05-07 20:08:21.178233 [ docbroker_003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HideSaveOption]| ./common/JsonUtil.hpp:137
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00062 2018-05-07 20:08:21.178250 [ docbroker_003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [HideExportOption]| ./common/JsonUtil.hpp:137
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00062 2018-05-07 20:08:21.178291 [ docbroker_003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [hideChangeTrackingControls]| ./common/JsonUtil.hpp:137
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00062 2018-05-07 20:08:21.178311 [ docbroker_003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [EnableOwnerTermination]| ./common/JsonUtil.hpp:137
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00062 2018-05-07 20:08:21.178327 [ docbroker_003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisablePrint]| ./common/JsonUtil.hpp:137
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00062 2018-05-07 20:08:21.178357 [ docbroker_003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisableExport]| ./common/JsonUtil.hpp:137
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00062 2018-05-07 20:08:21.178373 [ docbroker_003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisableCopy]| ./common/JsonUtil.hpp:137
libreoffice_1  | wsd-00025-00062 2018-05-07 20:08:21.178392 [ docbroker_003 ] WRN  Missing JSON property [DisableInactiveMessages]| ./common/JsonUtil.hpp:137
Comment 2 Aron Budea 2018-05-08 23:04:49 UTC
Two basic questions:
- Which version (commit hash) is it?
- What happens if the build is run locally, via 'make run'?
Comment 3 yova 2018-05-13 15:58:39 UTC
Last try was with 

libreoffice_1  | office version details: { "ProductName": "Collabora OfficeDev", "ProductVersion": "6.0", "Produc
tExtension": ".10.2", "BuildId": "45c83371948f33738effa0ceffd3fc3758b5c2ea" }     

Last commit on 2nd may.

make run completes without error, but have no setup for further testing it locally.
Comment 4 Xisco Faulí 2018-05-29 11:05:46 UTC
Setting back to UNCONFIRMED
Comment 5 Aron Budea 2018-05-29 23:33:06 UTC
(In reply to yova from comment #3)
> libreoffice_1  | office version details: { "ProductName": "Collabora
> OfficeDev", "ProductVersion": "6.0", "Produc
> tExtension": ".10.2", "BuildId": "45c83371948f33738effa0ceffd3fc3758b5c2ea"
> }     
This is the core commit, that's half of the information, what's the online commit? Or rather, which online branch were you building it with? Well, only master branch will work with that combination.

You don't need further setup for testing with make run, it displays test links on console, which should launch the different applications with test files in the browser.
Comment 6 QA Administrators 2018-12-03 13:13:37 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 7 QA Administrators 2019-01-11 15:26:48 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

Please read this message in its entirety before proceeding.

Your bug report is being closed as INSUFFICIENTDATA due to inactivity and
a lack of information which is needed in order to accurately
reproduce and confirm the problem. We encourage you to retest
your bug against the latest release. If the issue is still
present in the latest stable release, we need the following
information (please ignore any that you've already provided):

a) Provide details of your system including your operating
   system and the latest version of LibreOffice that you have
   confirmed the bug to be present

b) Provide easy to reproduce steps – the simpler the better

c) Provide any test case(s) which will help us confirm the problem

d) Provide screenshots of the problem if you think it might help

e) Read all comments and provide any requested information

Once all of this is done, please set the bug back to UNCONFIRMED
and we will attempt to reproduce the issue. Please do not:

a) respond via email 

b) update the version field in the bug or any of the other details
   on the top section of our bug tracker

Warm Regards,
QA Team
