LibreOffice offer different icont themes like sifr, colibre, elementary, breeze, tango, galaxy, ... to integrate well with the operation system or the desktop environmental. Befor Colibre become default on Windows Tango was default on Windows, Gnome and OS-X (I think). With the release of Colibre this change that Windows use Colibre, Gnome Elementary, OS-X is under discussion and KDE Breeze. Is it possible to have ONE default for all platforms and eg. the distributions can choose which icon theme they want to use/ship? The reason of have only ONE default is: - documentation (Help, publishers, book writer, ...) - maintenance (maintain official 1 icon theme instead of 3-4) - unique cooperate design I would recommend to use for Windows and OS-X the same default icon theme.
We talked about this in the design team meeting with the outcome that LibreOffice should fit into the system appearance across different platforms. By the way, you were an advocate of different themes.
Thanks. Sometimes I can change my mind.