Description: Since LO 6.0, the connection to Mariadb databases is impossible by means of the jdbc driver (based onto mysql-connector-java). Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create a database using Mariadb (or MySQL, it should be the same) 2. Try creating an access using LO Base (MySQL / jdbc) 3. Test the class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (should be OK, it's the case by me) 4. Give username and password, and test the connexion Actual Results: LO Base error message : java.long.NoSuchMethodError:java.nio.CharBuffer.position(I)Ljava/nio/CharBuffer; Expected Results: Connexion to the database. Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: Yes Additional Info: It's still possible to connect with the direct MySQL native connector (mysql-connector-ooo) which works (at least) under LO 6.1, provided the user can (and is allowed to) install the corresponding extension. See also
Notes : - The bug wasn't there in LO 5.3, and seems to have appeared in 5.4 (not completely sure) - The MySQL connector is the one I got from my Linux distribution (OpenSUSE 15.0) , and its version is 5.1.43 - I'm not able to say whether it's an LO bug or a bug in the driver.
I made a test using the most recent version of the driver (5.1.45). Nothing changed.
News : I got a solution, installing the driver from Mariadb instead of the original one. That driver can be found here : and requires a slight adaptation within LO : - adding the path to mariadb-java-client-226.jar in the options (advanced/classpath) - declaring the right class of the driver (org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver) while creating the access in Base.
(In reply to Robert Cabane from comment #3) > News : I got a solution, installing the driver from Mariadb instead of the > original one. That driver can be found here : > > and requires a slight adaptation within LO : > - adding the path to mariadb-java-client-226.jar in the options > (advanced/classpath) > - declaring the right class of the driver (org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver) while > creating the access in Base. So you got it working. Don't know why SUSE offers the JDBC-driver for MySQL and installs MariaDB. Would be better to open a bugdescrition in SUSE. The mysql-connector runs with MariaDB also a long time. But with the last updates it fails here with Base also. My system: OpenSUSE 15, MariaDB ... Sould we close this one as WORKSFORME?
Yes, I did so : You can put a WORKSFORME here.