From a comment I found: It would be very, very useful.
The help page is: As discussed in the reporter linked from the description, adding UTF8 as the parameter actually does nothing. You have to use a numerical code for the encoding as the third parameter. For UTF-8 the code is 76. The CSV filter parameters are documented here:
(In reply to Buovjaga from comment #1) The documentation for CSV filter is now at (referenced from "Starting With Parameters" page). There's a new framework created [1] (so far working only for PDF and PNG iirc), which is extensible and applicable to any filter, potentially allowing us to have some uniform syntax for all filters that are tweaked to accept it. But I fail to see what is tracked here, and how can it be decided fixed (no clear description, allowing to see the criteria for the decision) - so it's a clear INVALID IMO. [1]