Bug 119917 - Improve consistency in editing text/paragraph/etc. properties
Summary: Improve consistency in editing text/paragraph/etc. properties
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 37048
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All Linux (All)
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2018-09-17 02:21 UTC by J22Gim
Modified: 2018-09-23 17:44 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description J22Gim 2018-09-17 02:21:55 UTC
There are some inconsistencies in the behavior of the GUI for different properties. Sometimes the change is change is applied "live" while some other times the change is only applied when pressing enter or change focus. There seems to be no criteria as to when one or the other behavior should take place (to me anyway).
I make the case for Writer and Calc but I assume all LO apps have the same GUI issue.

Steps to Reproduce:
w1. Open Writer and enter any text into a paragraph
w2. Try to change the font and the font size
w3. Try to change the "below paragraph spacing"

c1. Open Calc and enter any number with decimals, eg 0.0234
c2. Try to change the decimal places 
c3. Try to change font

Actual Results:
There are three ways to change font (in my setup anyway), first of course select the text you want to change.. then: 
A) (most usual, I guess): click to display the drop-down menu
B) click on the font box and scroll with the mouse wheel
C) click on the font box and just write the font name (after "select all" or erasing the currently-displayed font name).

You can notice that the selected text does or does not change as you perform the actions:
A) only when you select the new font, the selected text changes to the new font (kind of obvious, right?)
B) Say you scroll until your favorite font appears in the font box. The selected text will reflect the new font ONLY after pressing ENTER or TAB. However you can place the mouse cursor over the font box and scroll (and the font WILL change) but this will have no effect because the font box is not in focus. Same happens with font size.
C) Similarly, after you write the name of your favorite font and press ENTER OR TAB you will see the change (assuming you spelled the name correctly!)

c2. Changing decimal places is always "live": anything you do in the "decimal places" box will show immediately without any "apply" signal or any other user intervention.
c3. Changing the font is actually different than in Writer: you hover over the font box and scroll with the wheel.. and the text in the selected cell will change simultaneously! No need to even click on the font box.. However this is not true for the text size (ie you do need to send the "apply" signal by getting it out of focus, ENTER, TAB, etc.)

Expected Results:
Well I expect the GUI to be consistent between controls AND between applications..

For example, if you can not change the selected text, then what is the point of letting the user to change the font (ie when hovering over the font box without actually clicking on it). If it can scroll, it should change the selected text "live".

In principle I thing a decision has to be made about "live" vs "enter/tab/out of focus". I personally like the 2nd, but I have no reason to believe one is better than the other, just a matter of taste/being used to.

Reproducible: Always

User Profile Reset: No

Additional Info:
Comment 1 Dieter 2018-09-23 12:06:42 UTC
Bug 37048 is about implementation of live preview. So I think this is a duplicate.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 37048 ***