Currently maximal zoom of the document is limited to 600%; it would be best to make in configurable in application options (i.e. with 2 text fields which define minimal and maximal value), so the scroll in bottom-right corner could have better resolution; or just increase the maximal value to 1000% or 1600% to allow much larger magnifications.
Why do you need more zoom? Using the minimum possible font size (2pt) I still can read the text at 600% (talking about Writer here, Draw might be different).
(In reply to Heiko Tietze from comment #1) For example: - to work at larger distance from the screen; - to work at devices with smaller screens (7" netbook requires different scale range than 19"); - to more precisely manipulate table borders, move objects (perhaps more fluent position steps could do the job); - to watch smaller part of page at full screen.
I'm not convinced about the need. Anyway, let's see what QA says. (Status Assigned is given when someone takes the task under Assignee. Reverting to NEW, though UNCONFIRMED would be nicer from my POV.)