Created attachment 147653 [details] some screenshots I am very disappointed with the new way goes the master build and 6.2 build. I am still using kde4 on my OS, because the responsible person of the distro did not approved the shift to kde5/plasma. So I will/cannot build again from git or use your TinderBox release's There not workable see attachment. I don't like gtk3 not to much, its more a safe solution if other things go wrong. Best regards
Are you using --enable-kde5 to build it ?
See Since last stable KDE4 is 4 yours ago, I understand people try to focus on KDE5. Which distro do you use? Isn't it rather a distro problem to not propose KDE5?
--enable-kde5 no I don't my OS Slackware64 current The configure script wish come from the git download will not allow --enable-kde4 anymore. Setting gkt3 will auto gtk3_kde5 build or when I use qt5 same issue But even the builds from Tinderbox give me the same result as my own build
Why then the gtk2 build can be still done??? Can someone say why it can not with kde4???
(In reply to Xavier Van Wijmeersch from comment #4) > Why then the gtk2 build can be still done??? > Can someone say why it can not with kde4??? KDE4 support was removed in
(In reply to Xavier Van Wijmeersch from comment #4) > Why then the gtk2 build can be still done??? > Can someone say why it can not with kde4??? I'm not sure but it seems there are more devs using Gnome than KDE, perhaps due to the fact there are devs from RedHat. It could explain why kde4 isn't supported anymore in new versions. Now, it's quite difficult to maintain a soft for several OSes and at each major version, there's some discussion to abandon some since one's try to be compatible with new ones. (cf minimal requirements for each OS).
BTW, you can discuss about this on dev forum or dev irc if you feel like.
FWIW, kde4 is removed for 6.3 on, 6.2 still has it. FWIW2 gtk2 is on the way out too.
There's multiple reasons that the kde4 VCL plugin was removed from LibreOffice's current master branch (e.g. kde4 long dead upstream, distros will eventually remove qt4 libraries, doesn't work with Wayland, possibility to focus on new kde5 plugin instead,...). However, it's still available for LibreOffice 6.2, so please try using the "libreoffice-6-2" branch from git when building with "--enable-kde4". @Xavier: Does this work for you? Is there any other specific issue you're currently having with this? Otherwise, I'd suggest to close this bug report and leave any discussion to other channels, as mentioned in comment 7.
Sorry the 6.2 have no entree for --enable-kde4 just tested The configure script is without kde4 this is my build script cd /home && git clone git:// libreoffice-6-2 && cd /home/libreoffice-6-2 && ./ --with-junit=/usr/share/java/junit-4.12.jar --with-hamcrest=/usr/share/java/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar --without-helppack-integration --disable-sdremote-bluetooth --disable-firebird-sdbc --enable-formula-logger --enable-introspection --with-system-bzip2 --with-parallelism=6 --enable-dbus --enable-eot --enable-ext-nlpsolver --enable-ext-wiki-publisher --enable-odk --enable-python --enable-release-build --enable-scripting-beanshell --enable-scripting-javascript --enable-symbols --with-ant-home=/usr/share/ant --with-external-dict-dir=/usr/share/hunspell --with-external-hyph-dir=/usr/share/hyphen --with-external-thes-dir=/usr/share/mythes --with-fonts --with-help --with-jdk-home=/usr/local/src/jdk-11 --with-system-boost --with-system-cairo --with-system-curl --with-system-dicts --with-system-expat --without-system-icu --with-system-neon --without-system-nss --without-system-openssl --with-system-zlib --with-x --without-gssapi --without-krb5 --without-myspell-dicts --with-system-harfbuzz --without-system-jars --without-system-jpeg --without-system-lcms2 --without-system-libvisio --without-system-mdds --without-system-poppler --without-system-redland --with-system-libxml --disable-gtk3 --disable-gtk --enable-kde4 --with-system-mariadb --with-vendor=Xavier && make fetch && ./g checkout -b libreoffice-6-2 origin/libreoffice-6-2
thx for your time but still disappointed so a wontfix
(In reply to Xavier Van Wijmeersch from comment #10) > Sorry the 6.2 have no entree for --enable-kde4 just tested > The configure script is without kde4 > > this is my build script > > cd /home && git clone git:// > libreoffice-6-2 && > cd /home/libreoffice-6-2 && ./ > [...] Hm, to my knowledge this will check out the "master" branch branch into a directory called "libreoffice-6-2". Can you run 'git branch' in that directory to check what branch is checked out? You probably need to add a 'git checkout libreoffice-6-2' before calling '' (or 'git checkout -b libreoffice-6-2 origin/libreofifce-6-2' if you're using an old git version).
Thx Michael for your advice did change the build script. Can now build with kde4
(In reply to Xavier Van Wijmeersch from comment #13) > Thx Michael for your advice did change the build script. > Can now build with kde4 You're welcome. Good to hear it's working now.
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