Description: By exemple when I convert 12321321321 to date, that number become 20/12/-3741. This date is invalid but calc don't raise a error ! Steps to Reproduce: 1.Enter a big number by exemple 12321321321 2.convert cell to date 3. Actual Results: My cell contains 20/12/-3741 Expected Results: #ERROR Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: No Additional Info:
(In reply to monsieurcloug from comment #0) > My cell contains 20/12/-3741 already reproducible with OOo, but i don't think this is a bug. @erack: could you help please?
I'll confirm but as Enhancement.
That number as date should not yield that date, it likely wraps around into a negative 32-bit integer when fed to the calendar.
This is no longer repro, since LO 7.3 > WFM.