Description: In saved documents, each and every fonts is displayed as italic. When opening the font-setting, it is only possible so select italic, bold and bold-italic. This is a severe fail, since it corrupts saved documents. Actual Results: All fonts in italic instead of standard Expected Results: Fonts in standard, bold, italic, bold-italic selectable Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: No Additional Info:
Please test resetting the user profile Menu/Help/Restart in Safe Mode
Resetting user profile did not solve the problem. There are some fonts where template "standard/normal" is missing now. Charlemagne Std Cooper Std Black Liberation Sans Nueva Std Cond Poplar Std Prestige Elite Std Stencil Std Tekton Pro E.g. for Liberation Mono, Liberation Sans Narrow and Liberation Serif there is template "standard". installed, now it' working again, thanks