I am connecting to the database JDBC. URL: JDBC:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/xGR;default_schema=true Class driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver (hsqldb-2.4.1). Everything is ok. I see tables. I'm trying to add a row to the table ODBIORCA. I'm getting an error. Opening, adding a row I get: "Error in the new record" user lacks privilege or object not found: ODBIORCA in statement [INSERT INTO "ODBIORCA" ( "NAZWA","SKASOWANIE") VALUES ( ?,?)] By executing the sql command "INSERT INTO ODBIORCA (NAZWA) VALUES ('Test')" getting: "Error in the new record" "user lacks privilege or object not found: ODBIORCA" The table was created with the dbeaver program: CREATE CACHED TABLE ODBIORCA ( ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL IDENTITY, NAZWA VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL UNIQUE, TELEFON_KOMORKOWY VARCHAR(20), TELEFON_STACJONARNY VARCHAR(20), EMAIL VARCHAR(60), KOLEJNOSC SMALLINT, SKASOWANIE BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, );
You need to check your access rights carefully. SQL command: GRAND.