Test system is the TDF nextcoloud server using LOOLWSD 6.1.3 LOKit LibreOffice (git hash: 10(Buil) Tested with both Chromium and Firefox browsers, Ubuntu 18.04 OS. To recreate: 1 Open a browser in incognito mode. 3 Open this read only link to an ODT file https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/s/w3N4iHRANKy9b79 Result You can not move around in the file using keyboard navigation. Only mouse scrolling, using the right hand scroll bar or the mouse scroll wheel.
I can confirm that PgUp/Down keys don't work, arrow keys work for me. LOOLWSD master.. (git hash: 4e1ad1af) LOKit LibreOfficeDev (git hash: 0c0e735)