Description: On a Windows 10 PC, IBM Notes 10 (all clients) is installed as well as LibreOffice 6.2.3. When using Notes, even when LibreOffice isn't used or started, the behaviour of Notes becomes erratic after opening several documents in edit mode. At first, the default font changes. Then, more serious problems appear, and finally, Notes becomes unusable and has to be restarted. After removing LO6, everything works. Reinstalling LO6 brings the problems back. Removing LO6 and reinstalling LO5 actually works. What interferes with IBM Notes? Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install LO6.2.3 and IBM Notes 10 (all clients) 2. Use the Domino Designer to design a form and fields 3. Suddenly, the default font changes to a large bold font. Actual Results: The default font in Notes is changed, and execution in Notes gradually deteriorates, up to a point that Notes becomes unusable and has to be restarted. Expected Results: There should be no interference between LO6 and Notes Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: No Additional Info: I check with a few (very) recent versions of LO6 and the latest Notes 10 release. I now downgraded to LO5 and haven't been able to trigger the same bug. To be fair, I didn't test LO6 with an earlier version of Notes, but since LO5472 doesn't make Notes crash I tend to suspect something in LO6. As said earlier, LO6 doesn't even have to be started for the problem to reappear. More info:
More info available. The culprit seems to be the Noto Sans font(s). Once removed IBM Notes functions properly. See : UPDATE on Domino Designer and LibreOffice issue
There are other reports of applications that have problems with fonts, and especially with the Noto fonts. Suggestion: LibreOffice should be packaged without fonts that are not the property of LibreOffice.
Clearly this should be solved by IBM Notes team. People in the blog comments talk about filing issues in their tracker: Noto is a family of fonts created & maintained at Google: Closing.