Description: I'm using LibreOffice Online Docker Hub image obtained from Docker Hub ( When I tried to insert an image (Menu Insert --> Local Image), the image displays for a brief moment but then disappears with only the outline of the image left on the screen. When I save the document, the image is not saved. I've tried with Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx) as well as LibreOffice Writer documents (.odt). They all failed for image insert. I've tried image types .jpeg, .jpg, .gif. .png and they all failed. System info: running LibreOffice Online DockerHub image on a Centos 7.6.1810 host. The DockerHub LibreOffice image is running Ubuntu 18.04.2. I am testing LibreOffice Online using Firefox and Chrome browsers on a Windows 10 machine. The "Help" menu on LibreOffice Online shows the following versions: LOOLWSD master.. (git hash: 8a61a530) LOKit LibreOffice (git hash: 6333dcf) Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install DockerHub LibreOffice Online image from on a Centos 7.6.1810 host. 2. Open up either a .doc, .docx, or .odt document withing LibreOffice Online Writer. 3. Select menu option Insert --> Local Image and select a .png/.gif/.jpg/.jpeg image. 4. Click 'Open' to insert image --> image displays briefly but disappears with only outline left on screen. Actual Results: Image is not inserted into document. Expected Results: Image should be inserted into document. Reproducible: Always User Profile Reset: No Additional Info: The "Help" menu on LibreOffice Online shows the following versions: LOOLWSD master.. (git hash: 8a61a530) LOKit LibreOffice (git hash: 6333dcf) I see the following error message in the loolwsd.log file: wsd-00015-00154 2019-06-06 18:20:44.534095 [ docbroker_00b ] ERR DocumentBroker stopping although modified. Using the development tools on the browser, I also see this HTTP request with a HTTP 101 status code: https://mylibreoffice:9980/lool/file%3A%2F%2F%2Fhome%2Floonline%2FDoc1.odt%3Fpermission%3Dedit/ws
Created attachment 152032 [details] Failed to insert image behavior Screen capture on failing to insert image in LibreOffice Online Writer.
Also tested LibreOffice Online outside of any Docker container (so I built LibreOffice online by pulling the code off of GitHub). I was able to produce the same behavior - cannot insert image inside any .doc, .docx, or .odt documents. My LibreOffice online build has the following Git Hash: LOOLWSD master.. (git hash: f028fd58) LOKit LibreOfficeDev (git hash: ad972aa)
LOKit crashes. wsd-00028-00034 2019-06-11 05:55:30.699513 [ websrv_poll ] ERR Error while removing conversion temporary: '/tmp/tmp28caaaaa/Screenshot from 2019-06-06 08-17-53.png' - File not found| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:1932 kit-00050-00030 2019-06-11 05:55:30.770551 [ loolkit ] SIG Fatal signal received: SIGABRT Backtrace 50: /usr/bin/loolforkit(_ZN7SigUtil13dumpBacktraceEv+0x64) [0x55f641699464] /usr/bin/loolforkit(+0xbd5f2) [0x55f64169a5f2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f9d8dcdd890] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f9d8d918e97] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f9d8d91a801] /opt/libreoffice/program/ [0x7f9d8a8d6c7b] /opt/libreoffice/program/ [0x7f9d8a9a6779] /opt/libreoffice/program/ [0x7f9d8a904502] /opt/libreoffice/program/ [0x7f9d8a9063d5] /opt/libreoffice/program/ [0x7f9d898b0c1a] /opt/libreoffice/program/ [0x7f9d8a90d6d6] /opt/libreoffice/program/ [0x7f9d898d1405] /opt/libreoffice/program/ [0x7f9d898e07a1] /usr/bin/loolforkit(_Z10lokit_mainRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES6_S6_S6_S6_bbbb+0x3190) [0x55f6416459c0] /usr/bin/loolforkit(+0x5a72e) [0x55f64163772e] /usr/bin/loolforkit(_Z18forkLibreOfficeKitRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES6_S6_S6_i+0x1724) [0x55f641639794] /usr/bin/loolforkit(main+0x19c9) [0x55f641607dd9] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f9d8d8fbb97] /usr/bin/loolforkit(_start+0x2a) [0x55f64160948a] kit-00050-00030 2019-06-11 05:55:30.776982 [ loolkit ] SIG SIGSYS trapped with code: 1 and context 140722646669760 kit-00050-00030 2019-06-11 05:55:30.777032 [ loolkit ] SIG seccomp trapped signal, un-authorized sys-call: 62
The bug was introduced by: And fixed by:
*** Bug 126647 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***