CALC Find() function for substring search returns #NAME?
I'm using MacOS Mojave 10.14.5 (18F132) and LibreOffice from cask (brew install libreoffice). Today I've realised that CALC's spreadsheet substring search function find() does not work, always returns '#NAME?' Most updated stable version has same bug too. Steps to reproduce: 1. Run Libreoffice calc 2. create new spreadsheet 3. type in in any cell: =find('c';'abcdef';2) 4. see #NAME? as result 5. result should be numeric: 3 (or 1, doesn't matter) 6. suppose, that there is error in parameter's order and type =find('abcdef';'c';2) 7. get #NAME? again Preferences -> Libreoffice calc -> Formula -> 'Use English function names' does not affect this result
When using " instead of ' it works.
Yes! sorry to disturb you, guys!