Created attachment 153648 [details] Palette file with comments Currently, there's no way to store comments within palette files. This would be a useful addition: as a document designer, I often have to create custom palettes. I see a need for two comment levels: at the palette file level, a comment would allow to store versioning information, the creator's name and the reason for any update ("created by John Doe, 2019-08-25, to comply with the new Acme Co graphic identity 2019"). At each color definition level, a comment would allow to keep track of color details (such as "Pantone 234C"). AFAICS, commenting is not part of the current LibO palettes specifications. I attach a demo palette with such comments set. It is interesting to note that, as the "comment" keyword is not used for .soc files, this palette is perfectly read by LibreOffice (tested under v.5.4). Moreover, the UI could display the comments as tooltips on mouse hovering the palette name (global comment) or each individual color (color comment). Thanks.
Not true, XML commenting <!-- --> is already available and is extensively used to annotate the .SOC/.SOG within palette files. But beyond the text string assigned to Color name, nothing additional is exposed to the GUI. For additional detail in the GUI ODF 1.2 does not provide annotation for the draw:color; and beyond LO using the draw:name assigned to tooltip text on selection/mouse over nothing is provided. No draw:comment is provided and would require extending ODF. Not clear it is worth the effort--the installation share/palette directory is readily available to review the commenting, and not clear anything is gained exposing additional details to the GUI. IMHO => WF
Hi Stuart, I can certainly live without the UI tooltips. But such was not my primary question. The main concern is about adding comments. The XML commenting string exists but doesn't fit the whole bill as its granularity is too coarse: the XML commenting scheme is, IMO, meant to add information at the *file* level (in the attachment, there's such a comment showing how the file was generated). Commenting each color individually should be a property for that color which would make things easier to manage at the color data level. As for the global comment, here also, having a global comment property would be clearer that this information is data.
Wouldn't it be the same for other artwork, like fonts, where version and license is relevant? I agree with Stuart on the simple <!-- --> annotation without tooltip and recommend to close the ticket as WF.
Of course, it could. Don't forget that the concern is about office documents design documentation, which is lacking very much is all office suite I know of and would be a blessing if present. Currently, it's very cumbersome to clearly and precisely document such items as conditional formats in Calc, .bau files in Writer, or such files as palettes (of course, there are plenty other places as you noted; let's just start somewhere ;). Adding the ability to insert comments within palette files is a step in this direction that can make a difference and ease the professional designers workflow.
Stuart and me voted for WF on the tooltip for license/version/etc. info. There are plenty of opportunities to share this information.