Description: I do not know exactly where the fault is only I suspect. I need to check if the macro I used for copying did not damage the odt file, please. File is here good file backup in pdf I using this macro for copy formatted text Sub resetujAvloz 'resetuje vlastnosti přes vloženou mezeru a vloží dim document as object, dispatcher as object document=thisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher=createUnoService("") dim args1(0) as new args1(0).Name="Text" : args1(0).Value=" " dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertText", "", 0, args1()) 'vložit mezeru dim args2(1) as new args2(0).Name="Count" : args2(0).Value=1 args2(1).Name="Select" : args2(1).Value=true dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoLeft", "", 0, args2()) 'označit mezeru dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:ResetAttributes", "", 0, Array()) 'reset vlastností (potřeba když to je na začátku řádku) dim args4(1) as new args4(0).Name="Count" : args4(0).Value=1 args4(1).Name="Select" : args4(1).Value=false dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoRight", "", 0, args4()) 'vrátit se na konec mezery dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoLeft", "", 0, args4()) 'jít před mezeru dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:ResetAttributes", "", 0, Array()) 'reset vlastností (potřeba když to není na začátku řádku) dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Paste", "", 0, Array()) 'Ctrl+V dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Delete", "", 0, Array()) 'smazat mezeru End Sub Actual Results: I prefer to use TextMaker now and LO for great work with spreadsheets. Expected Results: Formatted text like other app like MS Office, TextMaker, OnlyOffice need to use macros or lengthy use of styles or double click Ctrl + Z and again Ctrl + Z Reproducible: Couldn't Reproduce User Profile Reset: No Additional Info:
Bug report is not clear. Do you report a bug in LO, which one, what are verifiable steps? If you need help for writing a macro, bugzilla is not support forum. If you see a bug with text format or styles, you wrote it wrong.
I understand you. But I wouldn't use this macro if Libre Office could copy formatted text correctly like other programs. See Compare LibreOffice with FreeOffice
[Automated Action] NeedInfo-To-Unconfirmed
Please write steps, expected and experienced results. Not to guess from your video.
This is not Fixed (see Status). I set Insufficient Data. Sorry you didn't make it clear.