Bug 128062 - Slightly moving a Draw textbox within Frame in Writer by keyboard is not supported, Frame moves 1px rather than the Draw textbox
Summary: Slightly moving a Draw textbox within Frame in Writer by keyboard is not supp...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: All All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: Frame
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Reported: 2019-10-10 00:02 UTC by DarkTrick
Modified: 2023-09-18 15:16 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Description DarkTrick 2019-10-10 00:02:49 UTC
1. Create a frame.
2. Anchor it "as character.
3. Create a text box within the frame.
4. (Write random content inside the text box)
5. Unselect and select text box.
6. Press and hold ctrl and use arrow keys.
  Expected: Text box moves pixelwise on the screen.
  Actual: Nothing happens.
Comment 1 V Stuart Foote 2019-10-10 19:37:48 UTC
Confirmed on Windows 10 Ent 64-bit en-US with and current master/6.4.0

Precise movement of a Draw object held in a Frame in Writer is not possible using the keyboard only.

When a Draw object (including a textbox) is inserted into a Frame and selected:

<U,D,L,R> -- ~20px movements of the object within the Frame

But with <Alt>+<U,D,L,R> -- we get 1px movements of the containing Frame--not of the Draw object. Seems a selected Draw object can be moved with mouse drag, but not with keyboard only.

It is not a limitation of the Frame--that can be individually selected and moved in 1px increments with <Alt>+<U,D,L,R>

Mishandling is odd, because inserting the Draw object directly to document,(i.e. no Frame) supports movements:
<U,D,L,R> -- ~20px movements of the object
<Alt>+<U,D,L,R> -- ~1px movement of the object

Is that an implementation error, or something that needs to be added? The ability to precisely position Draw objects when held in Frame on a Writer document would be helpful.

Contrast that to the Draw module where selected Draw objects on Draw canvas can be fully moved by keyboard with:

<Shift>+<U,D,L,R> ~25px movements
<U,D,L,R> -- ~5px movements
<Alt>+<U,D,L,R> -- 1px movements

* guesstimating the movements--would need to look through the source for the exact values calculated--point is there are 3 levels of object movement.  

@BottleOnTheGround -- in Writer the type of Anchor for the Frame, or for the Draw object has no significance here. Also, the modifier would not be <Ctrl>, as it is not used for object positioning in LibreOffice.